Frequently Asked Questions

A sample of question I regularly receive

 I receive a large number of questions, which I would have loved to answer all in great detail. Here are some I’d like to share, since some of my experience on equipment might be of general interest.


One of the best sources to ask questions and get answers is from other HR owners. Therefore, I created a Hallberg-Rassy owners’s discussion group together with my friend Manlio back in 2002 already. I am still the moderator of this group and through the years we have gathered a vast base of experience and knowledge about our boats.  If you own a Hallberg-Rassy or have deep interest in the boat, please register to share experiences with 800+ other HR owners. Please note that this discussion group is strictly non-commercial, so selling or buying equipment or a boat is not allowed in this discussion forum. Welcome!


HR Owners' Group

Share experiences with 800+ other HR owners (strictly non-commercial, so no selling or buying of equipment or boats)

Distance along Longitude?

You keep saying that you measure distance along a longitude. Shouldn't it be latitude?

Red Trousers?!

What are these red trousers you keep wearing? What's so special about them?

Celestial Tips & Hacks

How to do a compass check without a pedestal compass? How to shoot the sun efficiently? And much more!


Why dim2warm matters to create a warm and cozy atmosphere during night time.


Propane, Butan, Filling and Changing gas bottles


How to set up a pre-rigged preventer on each side for downwindsailing.


How little smart gadgets can make life onboard easier.

Mooring in harsh weather

How to prepare your boat for a rocky, windy berth in an exposed marina.

Fridge cooling water

My fridge/freezer cooling pump is suddenly running hard. What could it be?


When is it time to change through-hulls and with what?

Fire Safety

What can we learn from the tragic dive boat Conception's fire?


How do you mark new shallows and stones you find at anchorages?


How do you make sure you always have good electrical contact despite the moisture?

Hypalon RIB

How do you add a patch or repair a Hypalon RIB, such as the Caribe?

Furuno GP33

How do you set an anchor alarm with a Furuno GP33 GPS?


Do you use a swivel, and if yes, which one and why?


I (or my spouse) has problems with seasickness. What can we do?

New D2-75

Why did you change engine to D2-75 and what are your experiences?

New LiFe Batteries

What are your experiences with the new LiFe batteries and do I need any new equipment if I change to Lithium?


Should I exchange all my existing Dorade Vents to the new type of AirOnly vents?

WiFi antenna

What type of WiFi amplifying system do you suggest to your customers and which one do you use on Regina Laska?

Important Safety Issues

Important safety issues to look out for on any type of boat

To Video Room

Leon's good-to-know videos.

To Video Room (in German)

Jules stellt Fragen an Leon rund um's Fahrten- und Ozeansegeln