Leon’s Good to Know Videos

Leon answers your questions and shares his thoughts around coastal, offshore and ocean sailing, boats and equipment.

Galley hacks for stove and more

Emergency Transmitter (PLB) for small-boat adventuring

How a preventer is set up on Regina Laska

Why classic celestial navigation is worth learning

Reasons why I have sailed with an EPIRB for 30 years

Future of Paper Charts when planning a passage

H20 on a float free EPIRB

The new generation EPIRBs

Navigation & Communication Thoughts

"Spronging off" from dock

Using a bow thruster to move diagonally forward

Mediterranean mooring stern-to

Mooring alongside driving into the midship spring

MOB Traning with POB-Net

Filling and filtering water

Anchors and Anchoring Technique

Radar navigation in real fog

Comparing Paper Charts

Learning from mistakes and a quick repair

Using the template for Secondary Port Calculation

Bowline and Hunter's Bend on Regina Laska

Finding best departure time & route using PredictWind

Planning an offshore leg with TimeZero

Planning a coastal leg with TimeZero

Vector and Raster Charts

How to throw a lasso line

How to sail dead downwind on Regina Laska?

How to install a Hammar H20 Small Raft on a sailing boat?

How to install running backstays on a sailing boat?