The Reginasailing Spirit
“It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living”
Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893)
On Regina Laska, sailing is about people and love. Love for the nature, humanity and life as such. Check out the Reginasailing Family and Friends below. Maybe you also wish to join the family? Start of with a theory course, either for Offshore Sailing or Ocean Sailing.
Encounter like-minded, yet so diversified people from all over the world. This is what Reginasailing is all about.
Many come again and again, year after year, meeting yet more interesting fellow people. Some even repeat the theory courses after a couple of years just for the fun of it, meeting new and old friends.
Check both sections below:
- First see how friendship is built within the Reginasailing family with regular reunions at sea and ashore, both summer and winter times.
- Then, scroll down to hear the voices of the family members to see how they experience the Reginasailing Spirit!

The atmosphere onboard Regina Laska is the secret. And behind this special comfort are the guests who give the spirit! Crew’s are put together so like-minded people find each other, having fun! Learning and training comes automatically and you learn so much quicker with positive emotions!
It’s the guests who create the atmosphere
May the below illustrate why I enjoy sailing with my wonderful guests and how come the RYA theory courses are so popular.
I would like to thank each and every one of you who have taken your time to share these unforgettable moments onboard. It’s you who form the atmosphere, which sometimes is as high as discussions are deep. Thank you for sharing a part of your valuable lives onboard Regina Laska!
The Diversity of the Family Members
Guests and participants come from all over the world: from Japan via Thailand to Europa and also USA, Canada and as far as Australia, where a couple usually returns every year in order to sail a week on Regina Laska.
The background of my guests are just as diverse. There are Lufthansa airline pilots, medical doctors, psychologists and physiotherapist, economist, lobbyists and artists, shepherds and dentist, photographers and teachers, professors in physics, tax-laws or economy, movie-makers and wine-makers, computer engineers and offshore oil engineers, earls and lawyers, real estate owners and agents. Some are employed by a multinational company, some work on a super-yacht or they run their own small or big business.
Some are as young as 18 years old, some are reaching their 80’s.
Many are boat-owners others totally new to sailing.
This all doesn’t matter! My guests have one thing in coming: They all love the cruising life-style.
The secret lies in the dynamics! When people with exciting backgrounds meet, something new forms onboard Regina Laska: Friendship.

Example of where the Regina Sailing Family is coming from in Europe.
“There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be!”
Irish Toast.