Burkhard Graßmann

Dear Leon,
It has been about a week since we said goodbye to the Regina Laska in Cádiz, but with every day that passes, the joy of remembering grows – the joy of spending such a valuable time with you, the boat and a crew that I’d like to call friends.
Some journeys are beautiful in their experience, but evolve their meaning in life only with time. This is especially true for this training trip to become a Yachtmaster Ocean. You truly deserve top marks in all categories such as yacht, skipper, crew, catering and training. The Hallberg Rassy 46 was a safe and comfortable cruising vessel on which one felt at home at all times: Home is where the anchor drops crossed my mind once again with growing confidence on board. Under your guidance, one can concentrate on the essentials: sailing, learning how to use the sextant and calculate the position - or simply enjoying the bright side of life. Your excellent catering certainly contributed to this. The crew you carefully put together became friends and contributed greatly to the success of the trip. And last but not least, the training you provided is unparalleled in Germany. I finally understood astronavigation and feel confident in using it.
Therefore, all that remains for me to say is: Thank you! And I do look forward to returning on board.
Fair Winds,
Yours, Burkhard

Burkhard Graßmann, Germany, joining Reginasailing for the first time on leg 1-2021 from La Coruna, Galicia in Spain to Marbella/Spain in the Mediterranean.