Celestial Video Courses
The completely free Reginasailing celestial navigation courses
Choose between a 3-minutes summery video, a 90 Min “fast-track-all-you-really-need-to-know” course or the full 10+ hours course covering everything celestial you need to know for your Yachtmaster Ocean Theory. Do it in self-study, just for the fun of it, or get inspired to join a 6-days Regina Laska classroom course in Malta!
The Quick-Course would be sufficient in order to use your sextant as a backup and was the general preferred method used by thousands of cruisers during pre-GPS times. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that! This so called “sun-run-sun” method is actually all you need to know in order to navigate safely by sextant and is also what your RYA Yachtmaster examiner will ask you for.
Scroll down for the individual free celestial Reginasailing courses.
What else can you do?
Aus Deutsch: Astro-Advent 2025 in Bremen!

Exklusives, stimmungsvolles und navigatorisches Advent-Wochenende im winterlichen Bremen.Für alle, die sich für Astronavigation interessieren. Sowie für jene, die es schon einmal gelernt haben, es aber wieder auffrischen möchten!
Theorie in 5 klaren Schritten und den Reginasailing Vorlagen. Ohne Formeln oder Taschenrechner! Praktischer Umgang mit dem Sextanten hautnah im Planetarium erleben. Werksbesuch bei Cassens&Plath.
Zum Freundschaft schliessen:
Zusammen träumen und lernen, gemeinsames Abendprogramm, rabattierte Hotelzimmer, Weihnachtsmarkt, Buffet im Hotel und im Ratskeller (optional)
Sichere einen der wenigen Plätze für das Astro-Event des Jahres am 2. Advent (6. – 8. Dezember)!
In Classroom Course
Rather than working through the entire course in solitude, come and join like-minded during an in-classroom course doing the entire RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory.
This is also the only way to obtain the necessary RYA theory certificate that you need for your RYA Yachtmaster Ocean exam. And besides, these courses cover much more than just celestial navigation and is great fun, since we’re all talking and learning ocean sailing!
See here for next course dates.
Buy the templates
The simple to use Reginasailing templates have helped hundreds of sailors to understand the individual steps for sight reduction. I started to develop them in the 1990’s so I would remember myself and they have now become available for purchase. They are great for learning and remembering, leading you step by step in a logical way through the steps of sight reduction or twilight planning (for stars and planets). They cover all celestial bodies for the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean course.
The most important templates are published by renown sextant manufacturer Cassens&Plath here and are available as printed writing pads. The Reginasailing plotting sheets you can buy from Cassens&Plath here. Don’t forget your discount code (“Reginasailing10”) if you shop anything in Cassens&Plath’s online shop. Templates can also be purchased from Toplich here.
If you are interested in the entire range of templates used in the below free celestial video course (i.e. templates for twilight determination, moon, planets, stars, compass check) including necessary sight reduction tables, you can also contact me to receive them as pdf’s for own print-outs for a contribution via Revolut or PayPal.
Practical Celestial Sailing Leg
You may wish to join a practical celestial sailing leg onboard Hallberg-Rassy 46 Regina Laska, practicing the skills of actually doing it with a sextant at sea. We use the state-of-the art Horizon Ultra Sextant by Cassens&Plath doing the sun-run-sun exercises in real.
These are also necessary to bring to your RYA Yachtmaster Ocean exam, if you thrive to take it one day.