Leg 12/2018
24 Aug -31 Aug: Stavanger – Göteborg, 300 nm

Starting from Stavanger, we will have a long days sail to the charming island of Hidra, welcoming us with its white church at the entrance of this minuscule harbour, mainly consisting of fishing boats landing its fresh fish from the North Sea. A walk up to the top of the mountain will reward us with a stunning view, as well as a historic site, where Germans built a fort at the top of this hill in WWII.

Hidra from the top of the mountain

After a possible stop in Farsund, we will round the notorious Cape Lindesnäs, considered as the “Cape Horn of Norway”. The reason is that the west-going current meets the prevailing southwesterly winds, which can give a steep choppy sea.
Having said that, most of the times I have rounded the capes, I have done so in splendid sunshine and calm seas.

Lindesnäs on the southern most tip of Norway
Navigating through the Blindleia in Norway by eye-sight only (pilotage) or entering Kristiansand by night-navigation can form exciting exercises and fun challenges.

A narrow passage in Blindeia

Preparing entering the archipelago by night by classic and electronic navigation alike.

Practicing radar navigation by night in the archipelago.
September is by many considered the best time to sail these waters, where the archipelago is empty with few boats, yet the water is relatively warm and the weather can still be quite pleasant.
Not to be forgotten is the fact that we will arrive in Sweden right at the time of crayfishes. In Smögen we might enjoy the same plus the famous Smögen-shrimps!
Price: EUR 2060 per person including all food consumed onboard, harbour fees, diesel etc plus visits to restaurants