Leg 3/2024
13 May – 2 Jun Gourmet Cruising: Granville/France to Brest/France.

Taken in a Restaurant in St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands
This leg is actually a private leg, meaning we will sail extremely slowly and only in the best of weather. We will also remain anchored in nice places and stay if the restaurants are good!
This leg is not for everyone, not only because it’s private, but we have decided to take on one couple as guests if they can live with our extremely slow sailing. Further to that, it’s in one of the most tidal waters of the world with huge currents and ranges of up to 12m. Thirdly, the coast is quite rough, but inside the deep estuaries, you find fantastic anchorages with – hopefully – just as wonderful restaurants. Many of the restaurants, I have actually been to already when passing this thrilling coast in previous years. During those years, however, I always had little time, pressing on with the sail training, I normally conduct here. This leg is with no sail training, I promise!
Cruising this thrilling coastline in 2024 will thus be different. Finally I will try to find all the secret anchorages of Brittany, using the IMRAY book with the same title and have ample time for this coast alone. Since the coast can be rough, spending time in the villages or in restaurants is the second aim of this leg, continuing only in good weather.
(If you wish to buy books at bookharbour.com, please don’t forget to use the discount code rs-BHAPGG10. )
If a village is lacking a good restaurant and the weather is preventing us from continuing to the next estuary, we will spend time cooking onboard, continuing our gourmet trip under deck while the rain might hammer on deck and the wind is hauling outside.
If you are interested, you may apply to join us on this extraordinary trip.
Price is dependent on the number of days you intend to stay onboard with us.

Not all seafood you can find in France should be eaten…