Michael Eberhartinger
My previous legs on Regina Laska have always been a most pleasant and relaxing experience. Nice sailing in stunning nature, sauna and swimming, having inspiring discussions on sailing issues and a lot of fun.
This time, however, it was a little different, partly because of the rather cold weather, but above all, since a serious examination was scheduled at the end of the leg.
Every new piece of information on how the exam will be carried out put additional pressure on me.
The biggest challenge, in my opinion, is that during the two exam days, day and night sailing takes only place on the basis of classical navigation! This is to say, the plotter display will remain dark all the time, chartwork and tidal calculations have to be done down below and compass bearings may be taken upstairs.
For an average charter skipper, used to take advantage of modern aids to navigation and sailing in the Solent for the first time, this is quite a challenge.

Some small talk with our examiner Allan before the actual exam is to take place.

Me explaining the use of the harness for our examiner Allan. Jos and Michel are listening carefully, knowing it’s their time within shortly to also hold a talk on a safety topic.
The excellent teaching and motivating skills of Leon helped a lot to adapt to this unfamiliar style of sailing as well as the good cooperation between the crew of Yachtmaster candidates. The pass of the Yachtmaster exam, the relief afterwards, great new friends, valuable practical experience, Hallberg-Rassy comfort, the exciting Solent, good food and still enough time for yacht purchase discussions made it a great time on Regina Laska again.

Calling my wife Eva to tell her I had just passed the two days Yachtmaster examination! What a relief!
Michael Eberhartinger, Austria, sailed on the Yachtmaster Prep Course Leg 2-2017 from Cuxhaven to Lymington and passed his Yachtmaster Exam at the end of the Leg.