Simone & Markus Schmirl
This was our very first cruise on a sailing boat ever! We didn’t know what to expect, but it feels as if it has become a life-changer for us: It was all so very impressive and breathtaking! A completely new way of seeing the world and living one’s life!

Waiting with the other sailing boats outside the locks on the Kiel side.

Inside the huge locks at Holtenau (Kiel) on our way into the Nord-Ost-See Kanal (Kiel Canal)

Motoring along the calm waters of the Kiel Canal.

Simone taking a turn at the helm in the Canal.

Simone cuddled up under cozy blankets and the protecting hardtop, inside the canal.
It was so much fun to sail and so easy to follow your clear instructions how everything is to be done, Leon.
Your professional handling and personal treatment also to support us to overcome our initial seasickness and nausea was extraordinary sensational. You also took away any fear we might have felt, which vanished with how you approach sailing in safety, comfort and style...
We really liked the beautiful nature and the picturesque scenery along the Kiel-channel, but also the rough wind and waves while passing a tiny bit of the North Sea from Brunsbüttel to Cuxhaven.
The culinary level was excellent! I will never forget making BBQ while the big ships were passing by.

Leon starting the BBQ in Brunsbüttel inside the Canal.

Eating outside in the sunshine watching the huge ships going in and out of the locks at Brunsbüttel.

Our view while eating. Huge ships leaving the locks into the Canal from the North Sea side.

All night long, we were watching the ships entering or leaving the canal at Brunsbüttel.

Great fun sailing with over 10 knots over ground in the strong winds (some 25 knots) with a current pushing us quickly towards Cuxhaven.

I learnt the hard way what wind-over-tide means! Very choppy seas, to say the least. But great fun!
All the time we felt safe and secure.

After a wet and cold crossing of the Elbe from Brunsbüttel to Cuxhaven we warmed up again inside the Steam Spa! How cool is that?!
Thank you for this wonderful experience!

Surprising Leon on his Birthday, which happened to be when we were onboard!

Happy Birthday, Leon!
Looks like we‘re hooked now! All I can think of now is how to arrange that we may come back as soon as possible for more sailing!
Markus & Simone Schmirl, Germany, sailing for the first time ever on leg 4-2019 from Laboe (Baltic) through the Kiel Canal to Cuxhaven (North Sea), both Germany.