
Reginasailing Templates available as paper pads!
Renown Sextant manufacturer Cassens&Plath and Reginasailing announce a new joint co-operation: While Cassens&Plath produce one of the finest sextants in the world, Reginasailing is proud to support Cassens&Plath with celestial hands-on practical education. Thanks to the holistic approach, navigators can now really understand why you do which step and get a feel for the beauty and joy of celestial navigation.
As part of the co-operation, Cassens&Plath are now publishing these very popular Reginasailing templates under its name: The Reginasailing Cassens&Plath templates! These clear and easy-to-follow templates lead you step-by-step through the sight reduction process.
Navigators will be able to purchase the templates as tear off paper pads from Cassens&Plath’s web-shop.
Cassens&Plath say that the Reginasailing templates significantly simplify sight reduction as well as act as “how-to-manuals”, helping you to remember and go through the individual steps with ease and fun.
Instruction videos for how to use these templates are freely available on www.reginasailing.com.
Further, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory courses are offered, where you learn everything necessary for modern celestial navigation and where participants practice on a Cassens&Plath sextant.
Also, the popular Tidal Template are being published by Cassens&Plath. All is complied in a simple A4 formate for safe and quick secondary port tidal calculation, tidal current estimation and tidal anchor calculation. Training videos are freely available on Reginasailing.com and more to come within shortly.
Also, Yachtmaster Offshore courses are offered, where you learn everything you need for safe navigation. A great preparation for your Yachtmaster Offshore exam, or just for 6 days fun learning from my experience (including mistakes) sailing well over 75,000+ miles as your instructor.