The readily refitted boat
Regina Laska has become as good as new

Personally, I am a friend of the more elegant narrow sterns than the wide beams of today’s designs. But that is a matter of taste, of course. Her draft of 1.88m makes her no less attractive. Photo: Richard Langdon
Regina Laska does not only look and feel new, she even smells new. For me, the refit has been a tremendous success. The interest from
others to do something similar is no less, with boat owners and sailors wanting to refit their own boat or
who are looking into buying a second hand boat.
The internationally renown magazine Yachting World has shown a great interest and will write two major articles about the refit project of Regina Laska. These will be published in the upcoming August and September issues of Yachting World. Don’t miss to buy the issues if you are interested in refitting your boat!
Yachting World engaged the famous photographer Richard Langdon to take photos of Regina Laska. Richard is traveling the world taking photos of boats. He has done so for over 25 years and many spectacular photos have been taken by Richard. I am very proud that I was able to work together with Richard during a day on the south coast of England.
During my passage on the east coast of England up to Scotland (a 400 nm leg), I even reached 11.2 knots through the water at one time, while cruising along in 9,5 – 10 knots otherwise. NB: This was no surfe down a huge wave, but just riding the choppy seas along the eastcoast of England. Thanks to her wonderful classic hull shapes, she just sailed all by herself majestically. Thanks to her deep V-formed underwater body Regina Laska was cutting through the choppy waves like a queen.
The most impressive quality of a classic boatis her ability to hold a steady course, I think. Lacking a nervous spade rudder and thanks to Regina Laska’s relatively long keel, with a draft of no more than 1.88m, she follows a very steady course and is easy on the helm. Simply: a joy to sail.