Hallberg-Rassy 46 Regina Laska

After my HR29 Datsy, HR31 Regina and HR40 Regina, this HR46 Regina Laska is my fourth Hallberg-Rassy, equipped for world cruising in safety, comfort and style





A boat is not a toy, nor an item or vehicle. It’s a family member who loves good treatment and care. Sharing experience, ideas and tips&tricks is just as important as finding likeminded friends who value all the money and time one puts into the passion of owning a boat.


General Specifications

Figures, Layout, Speed diagram, GZ curve etc.


Photo gallery inside and outside

The Name

Why my boats are called Regina.


List of Equipment for Safety, Comfort and Style

Never ending Refit-Project

Year by year updates of Regina Laska

Safety Philosophy

Surpassing the stringent MCA rules for area-1 offshore sailing

Marina Coruna

The Galician yard specialising in refitting HR's and where Regina Laska has been annually refitted 2019-now.

Adams Boat Care

The Swedish yard specialising in refitting HR's and where Regina Laska was refitted from 2013-2018.


A sample of the many questions I receive and try to find the time to answer, incl link to HR owners' discussion group

Old technical articles

Articles I wrote on communications and power for my HR40