boot Düsseldorf 2016

During the entire boot 2016 boat show, I will be present in Düsseldorf again. I will hold talks on various stages, or you can meet him at Båtsystem’s stand No 11.D25 in Hall 11, where also drinks will be served each day at 17:00 for a relaxing end of the busy boat show day. You are warmly welcome at 17:00 for a chat and a beer or sparkling wine.
For the German speaking sailors interested in blue-water sailing, Judith und Sönke Roever organise an annual seminar to cover interesting subjects all around cruising to distant shores.
On the first day of the two day seminar, I will be holding a 30 minutes talk on how women and men act and think differently and how you might enjoy sailing more as a couple knowing some backgrounds of how men and women might see things differently.
The seminar is held in German and is on the two first days of boot Düsseldorf, 23 – 24 January. My talk will be held on the Saturday at 15:30.
For more information on the seminar and to participate, please see here.
Segel Center, Hall 15, Stand 15G21
I am not sure what I shall call my talk on my experience on all my all-women sail training courses I have held. Some suggest “Single-Sex-Sailing”? I will talk about my experiences with sailing with just women, and also reveal how the women changed their perception on sailing in particular, and life in general after the course.
The talks are announced as follows by the exhibition:
“Viel Verständnis und Einfühlungsvermögen ist auch bei Leon Schulz gefragt. Denn er bietet unter anderem Kurse speziell für Frauen an, die bisher gegenüber dem eigenen aktiven Segeln ambivalent eingestellt waren.
Als Blauwassersegler, Yachtmaster Instructor und Charterskipper bekannt sowie durch sein Buch “Sabbatical auf See”, wird Leon exklusiv im Sailing Center auf der boot 2016 einen weiteren seiner populären Vorträge halten. Diesmal wird er über seine Erfahrungen mit “all-women-Kursen” berichten. Die persönlichen Rückmeldungen der Frauen stehen dabei im Vordergrund: ihre bisherige Einstellung zum Segeln, warum sie an dem Kurs teilnahmen, was sich durch den Kurs veränderte, wie sie in der Gruppe und jede für sich mehr Selbstvertrauen gewinnen konnten bis dahin, dass einige Frauen nach dem Kurs ‘zur treibenden Kraft’ wurden, indem sie sich zu Blauwasserseglerinnen entwickelten bzw. Boote kauften.”
The 15 minutes talk held in German will be at the following times:
Sunday, 24.1.2016 14:15
Monday, 25.1.2016 14:00
Tuesday, 26.1.2016 14:00
Wednesday, 27.1.2016 13:45
Thursday, 28.1.2016 14:45
Saturday, 30.1.2016 16:15
YACHT, Hall 16, Stand B22
Scotland is one of my favourite cruising grounds and I love returning to Scotland, which I have done on an annual basis during the last couple of years. I will share with you my favourite anchorages, give some tipps what to think about when sailing in these thrilling area stretching from Shetland via Fair Isle, Orkney and down to the Hebrides. Beautiful photos will hopefully give a relaxing 45 minutes for you to dream and plan about sailing there on your own keel one day.
The 45 minutes talk held in German will be at the following times:
Saturday, 23.1.2016 13:00
Sunday, 24.1.2016 13:00
Thursday, 28.1.2016 13:00
Friday, 29.1.2016 13:00
Saturday, 30.1.2016 13:00
Sunday, 31.1.2016 13:00
Refit Center, Hall 11
Shed light on what really matters. Just think of what light could do to enhance your boating experience. I will hold short talks in the Refit Center in Hall 11 on a daily bases on how to create ambience, space and pleasant atmosphere by using light in the right way.
The 15 minutes talk held in German will be at the following times:
Saturday, 23.1.2016 12:00
Sunday, 24.1.2016 12:30
Monday, 25.1.2016 12:45
Tuesday, 26.1.2016 12.00
Wednesday, 27.1.2016 11:00
Thursday, 28.1.2016 16:00
Friday, 29.1.2016 12:15
Saturday, 30.1.2016 11:45
Sunday, 31.1.2016 11:30
Båtsystem Hall 11, Stand 11D25
During remaining times, I will be present at Stand 11D25 in Hall 11,. talking about how to create atmosphere and the feeling of space in a boat by means of LED lighting. Båtsystem is also a leading supplier of stainless steel safety products which facilitate the getting on- and off board, such as bowsprits, davits, safety/bathing platforms and safety ladders.
Each show day will find a pleasant ending around 17:00 when you are warmly welcome to meet me sharing a beer or a sparkling whine at the Båtsystem stand.