Webinars on Tidal Sailing, Radar and Celestial Navigation (German)

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During November 2023, I will hold 4 Webinars in German for the German leading yachting magazine “YACHT”. 

If you are interested in listening, click on the corresponding links below.

Please note that these will be in German.


7 November 2023: Tidal Sailing

Navigation – wie Gezeitensegeln stressfrei gelingt

You may actively follow the calculations using my new templates for Tidal Navigation now published by Cassens&Plath. Please buy a paper pad (25 sheets) for the course here.

You might also be interested in taking part in the entire theory course on coastal and offshore sailing (in English).



9 November 2023: Modern Radar Navigation

Navigation – Radarkunde mit modernen Breitbandgeräten

You might also be interested in taking part in the entire theory course on coastal and offshore sailing (in English).


30 November 2023: Celestial Navigation Part 1


You might also be interested in taking part in the entire theory course on ocean sailing (in English).


1 December 2023: Celestial Navigation Part 2


You may actively follow the calculations using my new templates for Celestial Navigation now published by Cassens&Plath. Please buy the following three paper pads (25 sheets) for the course:


You might also be interested in taking part in the entire theory course on ocean sailing (in English).



Looking forward to “meeting” you in November in front of your Laptop!