boot Düsseldorf 2019

Whoever wishes to join is welcome around 17:00 each day for a glass of sparkling wine and to meet up with both old and new friends at the Gotthardt Stand in Hall 11 (D24).
This is also a unique chance for interested future guests to talk to previous participants and, of course, to ask me any question you might have! Find out if joining a theory course in Malta, enhancing your skills during an RYA Sail Training course or just enjoying relaxed sailing to exotic places could be something for you. Experience if you think you might fit into the Reginasailing family, before you sign up.
During daytime at boot 2019, I will primarily be working for Båtsystem and Gotthardt with marketing of boarding and lighting equipment. Therefore, daily talks will this year concentrate on boarding and lighting equipment on the Refit Scene in Hall 11. Please get in touch if you wish to know when I will be holding my two talks “Pleasant Light onboard” and “Easy Way onboard” on the Refit Scene in Hall 11.
The safest way to meet up for socialising is after 17:00 each day, when I have full time to concentrate on “chilling out” with the Reginasailing Family (I learnt that expression from my daughter!).
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Gotthardt stand around 17:00 each day!