Day Skipper Theory Course

Recently bought a boat or planning to do so?

Ensure stress-free sailing by knowing the basics of everything:

6 days pleasant learning in Malta, 13- 18 February 2026!


  • New: Targeting especially spouses to skippers and couples who are new to sailing 

  • Course given in easy to understand English and German explanations

  • Also covering soft skills and the psychology around skippering and crewing

  • Complex issues explained with an holistic approach in an easy to understand way

  • Learn from Leon, an experienced RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor with 85,000+ sailed miles

  • Learn from Gaby, a sailing psychologist asking any questions to better control potential anxiety and seasickness, making your boat more homey and to have more fun while sailing

  • Hands-on tips what you really need to know, but nothing scary

  • Discounted hotel prices which can be extended for some relaxing holidays in sunny Malta 

  • Pleasant lunches and evening dinners with heartily sailing discussions   

  • Feel the comradeship of the Reginasailing Family – learning and sharing experiences together 

  • You may take the RYA Day Skipper Theory assessments (at no extra cost)

  • Celebrate in the legendary Royal Malta Yacht Club at the end

  • Get prepared for sailing in Safety, Comfort and Style

  • 6 days of friendly and relaxed learning 

    (checking in on 12 Feb, checking out on 19 Feb after the course, prolonging stay possible)
  • After the course, it’s possible to continue for in-depth simulation radar navigation and electronic navigation



Who is this course for?

If you are rather new to sailing and find the Yachtmaster Offshore course is too complex and detailed and wish to learn in a slower pace, this course is for you!

The course has as its goal to give background knowledge so you can skipper a yacht in familiar waters by day.

Having said that, it spans over literally all aspects of sailing which you can learn theoretically. This means you will learn a lot! It’s the course covering a little bit of everything! With this knowledge, you are then ready for pleasant practical sailing, understanding what and why you are doing what. Learning practical sailing becomes so much more joyful and stress-free after having gone Day Skipper Theory course!  

You will learn just as much as you actually need to know in order to take a yacht under good conditions and how to make sure to avoid surprises or bad weather. Of course, you need practical training as well, but the practice makes so much more sense if you have some theoretical background knowledge and understand what’s going on and why. 


It is especially targeting couples who are in the process of buying their first sailing boat or have just done so.  It is also highly useful if your spouse is mainly skippering, when you are out chartering or sailing on your own boat. It is so helpful if you obtain some more knowledge in order to support the skipper or to feel more confident. Maybe also to be in control over the planning, such as understanding weather, waves and navigational hazards. Avoid anxiety by a better understanding of what is going on around you and onboard your boat. 

Gaby has sailed well over 10,000 miles, is M.Sc. in Psychology and has her own praxis in Germany specialising in depression, trauma and anxiety. She has written a psychological sailing book for spouses who wishes to sail better as a team. She will be available during the Day Skipper Theory course in Malta to answer any questions regarding anxiety, seasickness and how to begin to love sailing the pleasant way.

Talking about anxiety: Feel free to discuss any psychological aspects of sailing with the professional psychologist Gaby, who will be available during the course and who has helped numerous sailors to sail joyfully and stress-free getting rid of their anxiety while keeping the respect for the sea.


The Syllabus

The course spans over the same large area as the Yachtmaster Offshore, but it is kept simple, simple, simple. 

Subjets include seamanship, coastal navigation and pilotage, chartwork, electronic charts, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, weather forecasting and meteorology, tides, collision regulations. Plus any aspect of psychology. 



The curriculum of the RYA Day Skipper Shore-Based course in Malta consists of: 



1. About the Boat
– Nautical terms in English 
   (important when you sail abroad!)
– Types of hull & rigs 
– Which ropes for what jobs? 

2. Anchors & Anchoring
– Type of anchors
– Why and how to anchor

3. Safety
– Types of clothes
– Lifejackets and Harness
– Fire
– Distress signals (Epirb, Flares etc)
– Man-Overboard; a discussion

4. Communications 
– Why do you need more than a mobile phone? 
– VHF & Distress messages
– Other means of comms (Starlink, Iridum etc)

5. Avoiding Collision
– Most relevant Col-regs 
– How to recognise a collision course
– How to react 

6. Engine
– Electrical System
– Fuel System
– Air&Exhaust system
– Lubrication
– Cooling System

7. Charts (maps)
– Types of charts
– What is found on a chart
– Compass
– electronic charts (only briefly,
  more in depth in the electronic navigation course
  just after the Day Skipper course, so you can join both!)

8. Chartwork
– Importance of paper charts
– Using a Portland Plotter
   to easily draw bearings and courses
– Distances 
– Symbols


9. Tides and Currents
– Open up a completely new world of fun sailing!
– The reason for tides
– Taking advantage of tidal heights
– Taking advantage of currents
– How to see and check tides with your eyes & electronics

10. Find Position 
– How much to rely on electronics (GPS, etc)
– How to monitor your electronic fix
– Bearing lines
– Transit lines
– 3-point fix
– Estimated Position (EP)
– Avoiding Danger

11. Course to Steer (CTS)
– Why is it necessary? 
– How to determine CTS using paper cart
– Leeway

12. Buoys & Lights
– Different marks and what they are for 
– Light characteristics for night sailing 

13. Pilotage
– Eye-ball navigation 
– Pilotage Plan
– Using instruments to monitor sailing close to shore 

14. Meteorology
– Sources of weather forecasts
– Understanding Synoptic Chart
– Frontal systems and their dangers
– Use of Barometer as forecasting aid
– Cloud types to understand weather
– Land and Sea Breeze

14. Fog (predict and act)
– Radiation and Advection fog and what to do
– Radar & Reflectors: See and Be Seen in Fog 
– Navigation tips under fog 
– Rule 19: Collision avoidance under Fog

14. Passage Planning
– Using Almanacs, Charts, Pilot Books, Weather
– Deciding when and where to go
– – Customs regulations as they apply to yachts

15. Radar navigation and El. Navigation
– Separate course directly following the Day Skipper course!


These subjects are further deepened during the Practical Coastal Sailing and the Practical Offshore Sailing, respectively. 


If you are interested in continuing with practical sail training after the course, you can continue directly in Malta with Prosailing Malta or onboard Regina Laska on one of the Practical coastal sailing or Practical offshore sailing legs. 



The Preparation and Pre-Course knowledge

The subjects are wide-spanning but it is all held on a hands-on basic level. 

It would be good to have some practical experience from a boat before you come, but if you are motivated, not even this would be necessary! If you are interested in reading something before, you may. It would be helpful, but it’s not necessary. Obvioulsy, I can warmly recommend my own book Praxisguide Fahrtensegeln for the German speaking audience, but there are excellent books in English as well. 



The Warning

The RYA Day Skipper theory course is equivalent to the Swedish “Skärgårdsskeppare” and the German SKS. So many might think it’s not necessary to learn the same thing over again.

But even if you have your SKS Theory it might make sense to join, just to learn how the RYA teaches the subject, or to get inspired by an experienced ocean cruiser, who has helped so many to enjoy and love sailing the soft way. 

It is therefore worth giving a little warning: Not so few who once began as a complete novice with Reginasailing ended up buying an oceangoing boat and have sailed to the Caribbean, the South Pacific and beyond!  After all, this is a highly personal course with no more than 10 participants and you may ask any question regarding boats and equipement and learn from Leon’s 85,000+ and Gaby’s 10,000+ sailed miles. No question is too dumb to ask! 

The outcome might stretch further than you can anticipate today. Guests keep returning with Reginasailing for years, and in this time, it’s time again to start from scratch with an RYA Day Skipper Theory course for new beginners. 


If you wish to prepare, what can you read?

I have compiled a variety of books, flip-cards and Apps you can buy and to prepare yourself for the course if you wish. Don’t overdo it, since there needs to be some left to learn in class. I would concentrate on one of three books which are nice to have in any case:

Tom Cunliffe is a great story teller and his books are always entertaining to read if you like tales told by old sea dog. If you, however, prefer a boot where it doesn’t go on about telling stories and instead concentrate on “this is how it is done: 1, 2, 3…” then the book by Roger Seymour is more suitable.  

Learning the basic colregs with the flip-charts or an app help a lot, so you don’t have to learn it in Malta. 

Please don’t forget to use your 10% discount code rs-BHAPGG10 when ordering from

Praxisguide Fahrtensegeln, you can buy directly from the publishers Delius-Klasing-Verlag. 



Course Info

What’s so special?

The Reginasailing theory courses are unique in many aspects. The main benefits are:

  • Possibility to join an RYA course with just German speaking participants 
  • Talk to a psychologist to hear what soft-skills are important when sailing
  • Concentrated learning during a pleasant week covering everything you need to know for safe sailing and good seamanship under pleasant conditions
  • Combining holiday with fun learning
  • Beautiful venue at the famous Corinthia St George Hotel
  • Dinner at the renown Royal Malta Yacht Club (Members only and their guests) 
  • The Reginasailing atmosphere: make friends, meet again at reunions, at sea or at other courses. Become part of the Reginasailing family! 
  • Discuss your dreams, plans and boat equipment during evenings and lunches
  • Learn from an instructor with well above 85,000 miles of sailing experience 
  • Use your instructor’s own book in Navigation and Seamanship as your course material (in German only)
  • Enjoy Reginasailing animated slides and presentations, renown and sought after for talks at boat-shows, webinars and talks at yacht clubs 
  • Use of Reginasailing templates, turning secondary port calculations and Time-Zone calculations into an easy to understand and logical work-flow 


Exclusive dinner for Reginasailing at the Royal Malta Yacht club serving fresh local salt-baked fish (Seabass, Red Snapper and the local delicacy Gurbel)


Come and get to know Malta and the great Reginasailing Family.


The venue: The 5-star Corinthia St George Hotel:

Reginasailing has been offering Yachtmaster Theory courses in Malta since 2017. Thanks to excellent connections and loyalty Reginasailing has been upgrade to the 5-star Corinthia St George Bay Hotel in St Julians with extraordinary discounted price due to our loyalty! Prices have been kept the same for years, we may enjoy their best conference rooms and it is encouraged to bring your spouse for a relaxed holiday even if they don’t participate at the course. A spouse stays for free and only pays for the breakfast! 

Prolong your stay over the week-ends to enjoy some own sight-seeing and exploration of this historically interesting island! Especially Valletta is definitely worth a visit! Prolonging at the same discounted price is subject to availability and can only be guaranteed for early bookings. 

The Corinthia St George is one of the absolute top hotels in Malta, offering us a first-class conference room with a direct exit to the pool area with sea view. The Hotel is situated directly by the sea and offers great opportunities for combining your RYA theoretical course with holiday. It can’t get any better! 


The opening speech welcoming guests to Malta


Hotel prices for 2026 (same as for 2025):

Superior room with sea view (single occupancy): EUR 115 per night including breakfast

Your spouse just pays EUR 20 extra for the very extensive breakfast. 


Example of sea view and view out of one of the conference rooms we have been using.



Coures date:

  • RYA Day Skipper Theory course:  13- 18 February 2026


An evening at the Royal Malta Yacht Club. The sail training week is just as well a social event where we gain from each others’ experiences and enjoy the company.


Number of participants:

In order to grant the exclusive character and an individual and efficient learning experience, the number of participants have been limited to around 10 students.  



Price for the course:

  • Course Fee: RYA Day Skipper Theory course (6 days): EUR 1055 plus travel, food and hotel
  • Assessment Fee: Day Skipper Theory assessment during the course: NIL, included in the above

Additional costs:

  • Hotel: The cost for the hotel nights are paid on site directly to the Corinthia hotel and booked via Reginasailing
  • Coffee breaks, water, lunches and dinner (see below)
  • Obviously your individual travel cost to Malta


Outside our conference room overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Course price includes course notes, training and exercise booklet, training charts, assessment test,  RYA certificate for the RYA Day Skipper Shorebased course.


What to bring:

Please bring: pencil, eraser, colour pencils, notebook, divider, course plotter (navigation triangle or Portland Plotter).

If you wish to purchase a Portland Plotter and divider (approx EUR 40 together) please order them from me in good time before the course. 


Understanding the rhythm of the tide, seeing the “big picture” for easy planning and cross-checking.


Coffee breaks are at 10:30 and 15:30.

Previous participants have requested to take these breaks in the hotel lobby at our own expense so everyone can choose their favourite coffee or tea, whether it is a freshly made cappuccino, an espresso or a fruit tea, rather than getting the usual pre-brewed coffee from a thermos in the conference room. 

Coffee break in the foyer of the venue (Corinthia St George).

Coffee breaks in the sun.


Water bottles are supplied on our conference table and cost 3 EUR per large bottle. The total number of water consumed is divided through the number or participants (including me, of course). 

Lunches are planned, but not necessarily, to be enjoyed jointly. Some wish to have a lunch break on their own or having a short nap after an intense morning! Often lunches are great fun, I must admit,  joining in for more talks about our joint sailing dreams…

To enjoy an efficient lunch, we choose from the menu and order during morning coffee breaks. At around 12:30 we walk over to the lunch terrace of the hotel at “Henry J Beans” or to the beautiful terrace overlooking the St George Bay in the Corinthia Marina Hotel. We are then promptly served thanks to the fact that we ordered it during the morning break. Alternatively, we stay in the hotel lobby for some club sandwich or salad or we go for a short walk to the near by beach for a simple salad in the sunshine. 

Waiting for lunch in the near-by Corinthia Marina Hotel



If your spouse or partner is making you company for a holiday on Malta but does not join the course, they are obviously very warmly welcome to join for lunches and dinners! 


A salad or wrap for lunch at Henry J Beans just outside our conference room.


Dinners can be enjoyed on your own or jointly with the group. Typically I join you for most (but maybe not all) of the evenings. We enjoy dinners in my favourite restaurants in vicinity. 

Dinner at Fresco’s

The 2024 group at the MEZ restaurant, tasting the spices of the Indian Ocean.

Frescos as seen on their own homepage


Possibly the top of evenings is when we jointly meet at the renown Royal Malta Yacht Club, (also famous for hosting the annual Rolex Middle Sea Race). As a member of the RMYC, I may invite my participants as guests at this exclusive club. 



Pre-dinner drink on the terrace of the Royal Malta Yacht Club.

Reginasailing dinner at the Yacht Club.

Flights and getting to and from the airport:

Malta is one of the easiest places to fly to from all over Europe. KM Malta, Lufthansa, Ryanair are just a few of the many airlines that fly into Malta several times per day.

The the easiest way around on Malta is to download the BOLT-App to your smartphone and let one of the over 1,000 BOLT-drivers pick you up anywhere and drive you exactly where you need to go. 

Fly to the sunshine in winter to this thrilling and very different island in the Mediterranean!


Book early:

Please contact me, preferably including some short information about yourself, if you are interested to participate in one of the upcoming theory courses.

What previous participants say about RYA theory courses in Malta:

“If I had to describe Leon as a person in three words, I would choose the following words: empathetic, professional, and patient. 

However, three words are not sufficient to fully capture his remarkable personality and his outstanding course. :) He impresses with his exceptional competence and practical tips, and he teaches the material in an engaging and enjoyable manner. Building a supportive community is important to him and is undoubtedly of great value to everyone. Thank you for the wonderful time with all the enthusiastic participants

  I am already eagerly looking forward to sailing with Leon." Click here to read more.

Niels Thiele, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“This is practice-oriented learning par excellence: this is how you learn passage planning!

Leon's balanced approach turned both the exercises and the subjects into interesting matter. As strange as it may sound, very often, we didn't wish to finish on time - especially as Leon's wealth of knowledge seems inexhaustible!

It was an interesting, instructive and very entertaining time in the company of friendly, inquisitive people who were now even more eagerly looking forward to the next sailing adventure." Click here to read more.

Dagmar Schulze, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“It has been amazing to meet all the like minded fellow sailors from across the world and to spend the time in this course together. 
You have created a fantastic atmosphere inside and outside of the course making it a great and fun experience not only to learn together but also to get to know the other people personally. With your patience and comprehensive knowledge you answered all the course related questions but also all the additional sailing questions beyond and provided practical hands on answers and approaches, which made this course a truly outstanding one.

I am very happy to have participated in this course, which was much beyond pure theory." Click here to see more photos.

Roland Maasfeld, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“ Thank you so much for this fantastic course, including the entire organisation of every little detail around it. It became a great base for getting to know each other which was part of the fun! So many nice people!"

The atmosphere was outstanding, not the least because we could ask so many questions! Thank you therefore especially for all your knowledge and tips and tricks, on the side-line so to speak, regarding everything, including which equipment we should choose for our new Boréal we have on order!

We are so happy that we both participated at this outstanding theory course, which was so much more than just to learn navigation and seamanship! Click here to see more photos.

Peter Veit, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“ Having sailed and co-skippered for more than ten years for the Swiss Cruising Club (CCS), I felt I needed a change from this rather stiff, hierarchical Swiss and German training system and boat spirit. No wonder I was very curious to learn more about Leon, the other participants and the rather ambitious curriculum of the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory: 6 days including 3 tests of 2-3 hours).
Leon has a way to instruct that makes it fun to learn and to move through the challenging, yet praxis-oriented theory. Further, the amazing, international, open minded people I met on the course made these intense 6 days of theory almost feel like a vacation.
It definitely gave me a first taste and “flavour” of the often cited "Reginasailing Family“ groove." Click here to read more.

Bettina Heydrich, Switzerland, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

“This theory course felt like sailing together with friends! After six intense days I can confirm that the group worked together in an excellent way. All knew what we were about to achieve and how we could get there as a team in the best of ways. The days in classroom were intense - to say the least. But, at the same time, highly interesting! During the evenings we enjoyed great food in different excellent restaurants continuing our fun discussions and dreams about boats and sailing. What a treat!! That’s how it is when sailing. Leon was impressive how he was organising it all, how he was able to support each individual person, allowing each participant to feel that they had great capabilities to pass even the most challenging seamanship and navigational exercises. " Click here to read more.

Martin und Brigitte Winkel, Austria, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

“Leon has a philosophical approach to sailing, mixing the ying of mastery of the elements with the yang of mastery of technology. The group soon began to gel and after the days in the conference room, we sat for long meals at long tables at great restaurants and learned about each other’s lives in Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Germany and Austria. It’s an excellent, friendly learning week. Its pace is quite high - there is a lot to get through, but the coffee is excellent, the setting lovely, the sunshine welcome and the instructor quite excellent. It’s a great way to expand your sailing network by making new friends with a shared experience." Click here to read more.

David Kinnaird, UK, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

“The RYA method is much more hands-on than the German SKS, constantly emphasising on good seamanship. Once I had taken the hurdle with the English sailing terminology, it was all really relaxed. There was a wide selection of RYA-books to help getting to know the terminology - not to forget Leon’s own new book "Praxisguide Fahrtensegeln” in German. Leon is not only an enthusiastic teacher, who has worked hard to keep complex things simple. He is also such a gifted presenter. In addition, Leon is also a good psychologist. And not to forget: the Yachtmaster theory course in Malta is much more than simply expanding knowledge. Taking part also means to become a member of the Regina Laska family! Getting together with lots of highly experienced sailors is one of the main highlights - and everything in a most relaxing and stress-free atmosphere." Click here to read more.

Christian Rudolf, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2023

"Compared to the German system, the SSS or the SKS, the Yachtmaster is more focused on the practical side. Having said that, it’s certainly not a beginners’ course. Leon tried to encourage us to be proper seamen (and women): instead of insisting on “overly correct” interpolation. He wanted us to be able to decide when it is important to be precise and when one degree or two don’t matter so much. Leon certainly has an eye for putting together a group and making everyone feel welcome and appreciated. Teaching is thorough and entertaining, and very generous. I really liked “Leon’s templates”, e.g. for secondary port calculations and passage planning. " Click here to read how the course felt.

Daniela Baumgaertl, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2023

"The real benefit of the course was the team chemistry created by Leon. The Yachtmaster theory course in Malta brought together very different characters of sailors at all levels to produce a fun, motivated, always open and helpful crew that guided itself through long working hours of navigational calculations, rather monotonous ColRegs and different aspects of passage planning – never leaving behind the slower ones and always with a good joke at hand. As a consequence, I signed up for the first possible opening as crew on Regina Laska. I look forward to the next steps." Click here to read more

Christoph Lussi, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster-Theory-Course in Malta 2019

"It was a very intensive week in Malta. Adding essential knowledge and skills to my, until then, basic and rudimentary sailing education was really a challenge to me. It was interesting to see how everybody was ambitious to pass the test and it was Leon´s personal merit to form a group of people, who didn't know each other before, to become study-teams where all were interested in heightening their own skills." Click here to read more

Achim Helmenstein, Cologne/Germany, Cranchi Endurance33 Motorboat owner on Mallorca, taking the RYA Yachtmaster-Theory-Course in Malta 2018

"Leon is a great teacher. He always started with the concepts. Understanding the concepts helped me when I did not get a detail- I just went back up to the concept and worked it through. His personal observations on my learning style greatly supported the learning process. Light touch yet remarkable. I was very impressed and surprised with how much I learnt and how my confidence and interest grew. I worked hard all week and enjoyed every minute."

Sandra Morson, Scotland, HR40 owner, taking the Yachtmaster Theory course in Malta 2018

"Leon is simply wonderful. I have passed the Yachtmaster theory assessment already when I arrived in Malta, but felt that my understanding of the subject was academic rather than working knowledge that can be applied actively at sea. Leon’s fun, interactive teaching style changed that. On his courses, the learning stays with you after you have left the classroom. Plus, he has the patience of a saint. Every question from each student was answered thoughtfully, in comfort and style, of course. Thank you, Leon!" Click here to see some photos

Carol Wu, Hongkong, taking the Yachtmaster Theory course in Malta 2018

"Despite Leon’s colourful examples and very patient attempts to clarify things, I felt frustrated and limited in my basic knowledge. I was very grateful for the patience shown by Leon and other members in the class when I needed to go back over something simple. While Leon clearly provides you with the academic “tools” to use, his real gift in presenting this course is in his manner of leading the many discussions, providing relevant personal examples with his trademark enthusiasm and drawing out personal experiences from his students so that your learning is reinforced. So, in hindsight, I learnt far more than I initially thought." Click here to read full story

Cyndy Moncrieff, Australia, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta.

"Leon passed on the huge amount of intense matter with great enthusiasm, giving us students so much fun and we laughed a lot! Leon’s vast experience and his stories constantly kept us attentive. The session on meteorology was phenomenal. Both the pro's (there were two Lufthansa airline pilots amongst us) and the amateurs were impressed by how clearly and vividly Leon brings meteorology to life. I would like to highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about sailing, navigation and seamanship in a highly pleasant atmosphere.
" Click here to read full story

Ralf Gude, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta

"II participated in an intensive learning week, doing the RYA yacht master prep-course in Malta. Leon teaches in a relaxed and easy to follow way. It was fun, also because our group was working together very well. We were laughing a lot during this week and that 
is the most important thing. 
For me, I can say, that my first step for navigating in tidal waters is now done! I`m looking forward to do the second step in summer by sailing in Scotland with Leon onboard Regina Laska.
" Click here to read full story

Ludwig Obermeier, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta

"This is a real "crash course" and the "fast lane" in sailing theory. A really realistic and hands-on way of learning! I had lots of fun doing it, and sticking to Leon, who repeated over and over again: It's all about understanding! I do not quite understand how Leon is doing this, but he probably chooses his students carefully, since I was only surrounded by very smart, open-minded, international and very warm-hearted people, which made me feel so comfortable right away!" Click here to read full story

Julia Pukelsheim, Germany

"If you wish to learn navigation and laugh at the same time, take a course with Leon!"

Kajsa Lemby, Sweden, owning HR31 "Bikkuri"

"During this RYA theory course in Malta, we could get a glance of the friendly way of learning! A course, where learning was made so easy and gave so much joy! All participants were wonderful people and I think this has lead up to friendship for life! A crash course for some and a good repetition for others. And all this embedded in a great holiday-feeling in the sunshine!" Click here to read full story

Stefan Graf zu Dohna, Germany

"I must confess: Maths is not one of my favourite subjects so I was afraid this theory course would be tough on me. However, Leon’s sensitivity against my very modest love for Maths was encouraging and I never got that ugly feeling of ‘not being smart enough’. It was so nice to solve all Maths problems in such a ‘relaxed’ way!" Click here to read full story

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland

"The RYA shore-based training course in Malta was a fantastic week. Leon is a great teacher with profound knowledge as well as the best inspirer on sailing I have ever met so far! You could virtually feel the daily increasing desire by all participants to sail more!" Click here to read full story

Achim Schindler, Germany, HR43 owner

"Leon’s way of delivering this RYA course by taking just a small group of no more than 8 students and to gather these on Malta was so spot on! I really enjoyed the fact the course was so full of great true stories taken from the real world packed with Leon’s vast sailing experience. Therefore, the theory felt so hands-on and practical and 'un-theoretical'" Click here to read full story

Christian Pukelsheim, Germany

"It was so exciting to learn with Leon that I felt uplifted into a new dimension. We all become so energized and motivated to learn more and more about sailing and Leon’s easy to understand way of explaining and his unbeatable entertaining “story telling hours” helped us to come so close to our dreams that we could almost touch them! Anything suddenly seemed possible and nothing undoable, you just have to follow your heart and live your dreams!" Click here to read full story

Marianne Karlsen, Switzerland, owning a J/88
For more information on the syllabus and suggested books, see here.