The Reginasailing Spirit

“It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living” 

                            Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893)


On Regina Laska, sailing is about people and love. Love for the nature, humanity and life as such. Check out the Reginasailing Family and Friends below. Maybe you also wish to join the family? Start of with a theory course, either for Offshore Sailing or Ocean Sailing.

Encounter like-minded, yet so diversified people from all over the world. This is what Reginasailing is all about.

Many come again and again, year after year, meeting yet more interesting fellow people. Some even repeat the theory courses after a couple of years just for the fun of it, meeting new and old friends.


Check both sections below:

  • First see how friendship is built within the Reginasailing family with regular reunions at sea and ashore, both summer and winter times.
  • Then, scroll down to hear the voices of the family members to see how they experience the Reginasailing Spirit! 


The atmosphere onboard Regina Laska is the secret. And behind this special comfort are the guests who give the spirit! Crew’s are put together so like-minded people find each other, having fun! Learning and training comes automatically and you learn so much quicker with positive emotions!


It’s the guests who create the atmosphere

May the below illustrate why I enjoy sailing with my wonderful guests and how come the RYA theory courses are so popular.

I would like to thank each and every one of you who have taken your time to share these unforgettable moments onboard. It’s you who form the atmosphere, which sometimes is as high as discussions are deep. Thank you for sharing a part of your valuable lives onboard Regina Laska!



The Diversity of the Family Members

Guests and participants come from all over the world: from Japan via Thailand to Europa and also USA, Canada and as far as Australia, where a couple usually returns every year in order to sail a week on Regina Laska.

The background of my guests are just as diverse. There are Lufthansa airline pilots, medical doctors, psychologists and physiotherapist, economist, lobbyists and artists, shepherds and dentist, photographers and teachers, professors in physics, tax-laws or economy, movie-makers and wine-makers, computer engineers and offshore oil engineers, earls and lawyers, real estate owners and agents. Some are employed by a multinational company, some work on a super-yacht or they run their own small or big business.

Some are as young as 18 years old, some are reaching their 80’s.

Many are boat-owners others totally new to sailing.

This all doesn’t matter! My guests have one thing in coming: They all love the cruising life-style.

The secret lies in the dynamics! When people with exciting backgrounds meet, something new forms onboard Regina Laska: Friendship.

Example of where the Regina Sailing Family is coming from in Europe.


There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be! 

                            Irish Toast


Reginasailing-Family reunions: Making friends!

Inland waterway reunion of the localReginasailing sub-devision "Rhein-Main-Lahn-club" in Diez February 2025.

Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2025.

It's like meeting the family, when we go out eating together on the second Saturday of the boat show. It all starts at the Gotthardt stand at the end of the show day. Click here to see more photos.
Traditional Reginasailing Reunion on the second Saturday of boot Düsseldorf 2024. 25 happy Reginasailing Familly members gathered for the institutionalised Aperol Spritz on the Gotthardt stand just before the show ended and continued then to a restaurant, dreaming about past and future joint sailing on Regina Laska. Click here to see more photos.
Reginasailing Reunion on The Bay of Biscay September 2023. Michel and Tom joining Robert's Hanse, bringing the boat from the Baltic to Marina Coruña in Galicia. All three members of the Reginasailing Family having met on the theory course in Malta.
Reginasailing Reunion in The Solent 2023. Jonathan, Nick, Tom and Frank meeting to charter a boat together, practicing for their upcoming Yachtmaster/Hochseesegelschein Exams in 2024.
Reginasailing Reunion in Denmark 2023. Kevin from UK joining Martin from Germany on his Sirius Yacht for a winter cruise in Denmark. Reginasailing Family members is also a pool of wonderful crew-members!
Reginasailing Reunion in Luzern, Switzerland 2023. After having left her HR340 in Marina Coruna, she flew to Switzerland to visit Esther, another Reginasailing Family member. Reginasailing is all about making friends!
Reginasailing Reunion in La Coruna, Spain 2023. Carol bringing her HR340 (background) and Michel helping to bring Robert's Moody to Marina Coruna: the yard, where many Reginasailing Friends keep their boats for a winter or two, meeting up and having their boats professionally serviced. Carol, Michel and Robert are all Reginasailing Family members, of course.
Reginasailing Reunion in Farsund, Norway: Carol and Martin. Both are sailing single handed: Carol sailing her HR340 and Martin his Sirius. Both recently did the Reginasailing RYA Yachtmaster Ocean theory course together with celestial navigation. Reginasailing is about making friends!
Reginasailing's "Rhein-Main Division" having a private Reunion in 2023: Matthias and Matthias meeting in the Frankfurt area to share Reginasailing memories and future dreams!
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2023 with 35+ Family members.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2020
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2020 at the Gotthardt stand with 20+ Family Members.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2019 with 30+ Family members.
Reginasailing Reunion 2017 in Cowes, The Solent, UK, after a successful Yachtmaster exam. 3 previous Reginasailing Yachtmasters and 2 previous Reginasailing Day Skippers came to Cowes on their own Hallberg-Rassy’s. From left to right: Day Skipper Ursula, Yachtmaster Heinz, Yachtmaster William, Day Skipper Inger-Johanne, Yachtmaster-in-Spe (2018) Marianne, Yachtmaster Kurt, Leon, Yachtmaster Anita. Photo taken by Yachtmaster Gaby.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2017 with the traditional Reginasailing Aperol Spritz at the show.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2016.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2016.
Reginasailing Reunion at boot Düsseldorf 2015.

The Voice of the Reginasailing Family: Crew's Log

“If I had to describe Leon as a person in three words, I would choose the following words: empathetic, professional, and patient. 

However, three words are not sufficient to fully capture his remarkable personality and his outstanding course. :) He impresses with his exceptional competence and practical tips, and he teaches the material in an engaging and enjoyable manner. Building a supportive community is important to him and is undoubtedly of great value to everyone. Thank you for the wonderful time with all the enthusiastic participants

  I am already eagerly looking forward to sailing with Leon." Click here to read more.

Niels Thiele, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“This is practice-oriented learning par excellence: this is how you learn passage planning!

Leon's balanced approach turned both the exercises and the subjects into interesting matter. As strange as it may sound, very often, we didn't wish to finish on time - especially as Leon's wealth of knowledge seems inexhaustible!

It was an interesting, instructive and very entertaining time in the company of friendly, inquisitive people who were now even more eagerly looking forward to the next sailing adventure." Click here to read more.

Dagmar Schulze, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“It has been amazing to meet all the like minded fellow sailors from across the world and to spend the time in this course together. 
You have created a fantastic atmosphere inside and outside of the course making it a great and fun experience not only to learn together but also to get to know the other people personally. With your patience and comprehensive knowledge you answered all the course related questions but also all the additional sailing questions beyond and provided practical hands on answers and approaches, which made this course a truly outstanding one.

I am very happy to have participated in this course, which was much beyond pure theory." Click here to see more photos.

Roland Maasfeld, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“ Thank you so much for this fantastic course, including the entire organisation of every little detail around it. It became a great base for getting to know each other which was part of the fun! So many nice people!"

The atmosphere was outstanding, not the least because we could ask so many questions! Thank you therefore especially for all your knowledge and tips and tricks, on the side-line so to speak, regarding everything, including which equipment we should choose for our new Boréal we have on order!

We are so happy that we both participated at this outstanding theory course, which was so much more than just to learn navigation and seamanship! Click here to see more photos.

Peter Veit, Germany, Yachtmaster Offshore Theory course 2025, Malta

“ I had the following goals with sailing in Galicia on Regina Laska for the fourth time:
- I wished to get rid of my anxiety regarding tough weather with a lot of wind and waves
- Do I really want to buy a sailing boat again, or possibly a power yacht this time?
- What is sailing triggering in me after my own Sabbatical on our HR43?
The discovery that it’s not anxiety which is stopping us, but the way how we approach and master a challenging situation, was new to me. My anxiety has been replaced by the respect for nature! Dealing with the challenging situations actively and positively, I learnt to move the borders of my own personal limits and widened my comfort zone considerably! "
Click here to read what answers I got!

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland, Leg 8-2024 from La Coruna to Portosin, Galicia.

Click here for track and more photos.

“My own displeasure of (high) waves, constant seasickness, constant fear for (unpredictable) wind and their resulting unpleasant movements of the boat meant that many of my previous sailing experiences had simply not been relaxing.
Not until now!
What a difference this week made!
During the first days we were just doing short trips across the Rías of La Coruña in order to slowly get used to the Atlantic wind, waves and navigation. Thanks to our joint planning we found an excellent weather window and the passage became perfectly enjoyable!
Leon was (and I’m sure he still is!) very proud of his ex-scaredy-cats onboard. We had all now sailed fearlessly conquering huge 1.8m waves where the wild movements of the boat did no (longer) upset his transformed crew. What a difference this week made to the fear we all had felt before we came! "
Click here to read more.

Susanne Rudolph, Germany, Leg 8-2024 from La Coruna to Portosin, Galicia.

Click here for track and more photos.

“I wish to share with you how I transformed from a scaredy-cat to a passionated sailor (vom Angsthasen zum begeisterten Genuss-Fahrtensegler)
I had sailed a lot on my parents’ boats as a child, but due to some 'substantial experiences' I was left with one thing: Fear! I was terrified of high waves, extensive healing and the loss of control over the boat. Since I really wanted to enjoy sailing fearlessly, I thought there could only be one way forward: In signed up for Leon’s theory course in Malta to beging with. Talking to both Leon and Gaby really built my confidence and I began to feel that I was on the right track.
Then it was time for putting it to a test during a practical sailing leg! And now I can testify: I have not only lost almost all my anxiety, I left Regina Laska with that feeling that I would rather go on sailing! I didn’t want to arrive, I wished to leave! Leave for the horizon! Read my full story about what I learned and how!"
Click here to read more.

Susanne Graf, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based courses, and Leg 8-2024 from La Coruna to Portosin, Galicia.

Click here for track and more photos.

“Fine yacht, great skipper, wonderful crew, outstanding meals, super service (by Leon) and rewarding tidal calculations! This is how you can sum up our excellent impressions of the sea, wind, waves, tides and the corresponding sensational images all around this thrilling cruising ground! The choice of harbours including first class restaurants as well as the onboard BBQ was the perfect companion to our sailing experience. It gave the ideal mix between thrilling tides and sailing for us gourmets and wine lovers. Can there be any better place to learn tidal sailing?".
Click here to read more.

Brigitte&Martin Winkel, Austria, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based courses, and Leg 6-2024 from La Rochelle to Lorient, Bretagne.

Click here for track and more photos.

“ It’s been a long journey to earn my Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean tickets, beginning with Leon in 2017. Since then we’ve sailed thousands of miles together onboard Regina Laska and often talked about the Yachtmaster.
The day arrives and our examiner Allan steps aboard. He has decades of experience and a friendly demeanour, but he is all seeing and can read us all like a book. I go first, we spring off the dock and berth again to swap skippers, we know this routine, our instructions to each other are familiar we share supportive looks and gestures. Allan is amongst us, I sense watching us all. More anchoring, MOB, blind navigation. It’s a hands-on practical viva for each of us as we rotate through activities. We work well as a team, we have the confidence of the Biscay experience and a week’s practising.
Soon I’m at a debrief with the examiner, he has detailed notes on me and some unhappy smilies against certain manoeuvres. But before I know it he’s offering me his hand. Leon’s there, smiling at me, what a journey I’ve had thanks to him.
Click here to read more.

Nick Coleman, UK, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore & Ocean shore-based courses, many legs since 2017 and finally Leg 1-2024 including Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean exams.

Click here for track and more photos.

Read the entire blog-entry of Matthias Schmitz, liveaboard on the famous Sirius 35DS with custom-built office in the forepeak. Matthias has joined two Reginasailing theory courses in Malta (RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA Yachtmaster Ocean) as well as taken his RYA Coastal Skipper onboard Regina Laska. Now it was time to undergo the RYA Yachtmaster Prep course including a quite bumpy crossing of the Bay of Biscay and finally the Yachtmaster Offshore exam.
Click here to read the entire blog-entry of the Yachtmaster Exam (in German).

Great read for German sailors interested to take the RYA Yachtmaster - not only with Reginasailing!

Matthias Schmitz, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore & Ocean shore-based course as well as Leg 2-2023 and Leg 1-2024 including Yachtmaster exam.

Click here for track and more photos.

“ After having taken all theoretical certificates in Germany, I began looking for an instructor who could teach me the hands-on practical side of what one learns in Germany. Within the RYA, I found Leon and Reginasailing to have the perfect philosophy on sailing and who turned out to be an ideal instructor. Especially the theory courses on Malta were so pedagogically valuable that I finally was able understand what I already should have understood long ago through my German course…
Onboard Leon’s extremely well maintained Hallberg-Rassy, we were taught practical skills in a playful and fun way. This was really entertaining, yet always focused and concentrated, while, at the same time, very friendly. It was so nice to become prepared for the otherwise very “disciplined” RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam in such a friendly and polite environment!"
Click here to read more.

Frank Stammler, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore & Ocean shore-based course as well as Leg 2-2023 and Leg 1-2024 including Yachtmaster exam.

Click here for track and more photos of Leg 1-2024. and here for Leg 2-2023.

“ In times of uncertainty, such as the current war situation ..., the significance of a Celestial Navigation becomes paramount.
Leon's proficiency in the subject matter, especially celestial navigation, was truly remarkable. Leon's dedication to imparting his knowledge was evident from the outset, and his passion for sailing and navigation created an engaging learning environment. Leon's hands-on approach, combined with interactive learning sessions, made the daunting subject of celestial navigation surprisingly accessible. The course, under Leon's tutelage, not only provided valuable skills but also ignited a newfound passion for navigating the open seas.
Leon's commitment to creating a holistic and enjoyable educational experience extended beyond the classroom. I was also about building lasting friendships and savoring the vibrant local culture."
Click here to read more.

Udi Lehrman, Israel, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2024 

“ I must thank you for your theoretical course on the Yachtmaster Ocean in Malta in early February 2024, which was conducted in an understandable manner yet with great enthusiasm. All participants grasped the concept, and in the meantime, we got to explore Malta and enjoy beautiful restaurants along the bays. What remains now is actively practice astronavigation with sextants and tables, even though we hopefully never have to use this method in an emergency due to failure of all other systems. But at least we could! "
Click here to read more.

Rudolf Paulik, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2024 

“ Having sailed and co-skippered for more than ten years for the Swiss Cruising Club (CCS), I felt I needed a change from this rather stiff, hierarchical Swiss and German training system and boat spirit. No wonder I was very curious to learn more about Leon, the other participants and the rather ambitious curriculum of the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory: 6 days including 3 tests of 2-3 hours).
Leon has a way to instruct that makes it fun to learn and to move through the challenging, yet praxis-oriented theory. Further, the amazing, international, open minded people I met on the course made these intense 6 days of theory almost feel like a vacation.
It definitely gave me a first taste and “flavour” of the often cited "Reginasailing Family“ groove." Click here to read more.

Bettina Heydrich, Switzerland, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

“This theory course felt like sailing together with friends! After six intense days I can confirm that the group worked together in an excellent way. All knew what we were about to achieve and how we could get there as a team in the best of ways. The days in classroom were intense - to say the least. But, at the same time, highly interesting! During the evenings we enjoyed great food in different excellent restaurants continuing our fun discussions and dreams about boats and sailing. What a treat!! That’s how it is when sailing. Leon was impressive how he was organising it all, how he was able to support each individual person, allowing each participant to feel that they had great capabilities to pass even the most challenging seamanship and navigational exercises. " Click here to read more.

Martin und Brigitte Winkel, Austria, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

“Leon has a philosophical approach to sailing, mixing the ying of mastery of the elements with the yang of mastery of technology. The group soon began to gel and after the days in the conference room, we sat for long meals at long tables at great restaurants and learned about each other’s lives in Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Germany and Austria. It’s an excellent, friendly learning week. Its pace is quite high - there is a lot to get through, but the coffee is excellent, the setting lovely, the sunshine welcome and the instructor quite excellent. It’s a great way to expand your sailing network by making new friends with a shared experience." Click here to read more.

David Kinnaird, UK, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2024 

Leon you’re beyond amazing 🤩 A super star 🌟 who teaches by example and sets aspirational standards. And a skipper who draws the best out of your crew, no matter where they started from. Our call today was so helpful! 👍 I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏.

Carol Wo, Hongkong, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course 2023 and after a mock exam via Zoom from Hongkong in preparation for her Yachtmaster Ocean exam in April 2024 on Regina Laska.

From the first moment on, I had confident in your boat and yourself. Your orientation around the boat with us gave the first impression and the following safety briefing was very comprehensive and thorough - especially our Muster List was very impressive. Your guests may feel your passion to pass on your deep knowledge and experience. We had the impression to have come as guests but left Regina Laska as friends.

Click here to read her full story (in German).

Maike, Germany, sailing on Leg 10-2023 in the Galicia.

I had never sailed before and could not even imagine what to expect. Leon gave answers to my countess questions at any point in time. During the week I felt the questions about sailing just increased; the more I learnt, the more I wanted to know! The week passed far too quickly and I would have liked to learn so much more and sailed much more! I found it especially cool that I received my first sailing certificate on this leg! The “sailing fever” has now caught me thanks to Leon with Regina Laska.

Click here to read her full story.

Nathalie Sander, Germany, sailing for her first time ever Leg 8-2023 in the Azores.

My name is Ruth, I am 69 years old and it was my very first time on a sailing boat. My aim was to discover whether or not I could be on a boat in the middle of the ocean without being scared, maybe even enjoy it. Leon made me feel really safe and comfortable. Not one question was too much, the breakfasts and meals on board were fantastic and the whole atmosphere very relaxed. Every day I became more relaxed and confident in myself, and I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. And what can I say, it worked! I definitely want to go sailing again. I want to learn more about it together with my husband Kevin and we are already thinking about where and when we will go sailing next.

Click here to read her full story.

Ruth Kelly, Germany, sailing for her first time ever Leg 8-2023 in the Azores.

Tom Kaiser is new to the Reginasailing Family and has immediately been taken up with great warmth by everyone! Tom is a wonderful, inspirational and great sailor with a lot of humour. With Tom onboard, you know the atmosphere will be on top! Welcome to the family, Tom!

Click here to read his story in German.

Tom Kaiser, Switzerland , taking part in Yachtmaster Theory course, Malta and Leg 3-2023 from Lorient/Bretagne to La Coruña crossing the Bay of Biscay.

Some 10 years ago, Michel read The Missing Centimeter/Sabbatical auf See during a Christmas Holiday on the Canaries. This changed his life completely: With hardly any sailing experience, both Michel and his wife Esther joined various sail training legs on Regina Laska as well as Reginasailing theory courses on Malta. They then bought a HR43 and sailed to the Caribbean with their twin daughters (see their blog here). After their return and selling their boat, Michel has re-joined the Reginasailing family for the celestial theory course and is sailing on Regina Laska again.

Click here to read his story in German.

Michel Leuenberger, Switzerland , taking part in the Ocean sailing theory course and and Leg 3-2023 from Lorient/Bretagne to La Coruña crossing the Bay of Biscay.

“Sailing with Leon onboard Regina Laska is something completely different compared to all previous courses I have taken. It's sailing in a a relaxed atmosphere, yet mastering the challenge to cruise in the most exciting sailing areas of the world! Best of all, the crew grew together and became friends.  And, not to forget, it was all culinary framed by a skipper who is not only a great cook, but also a sommelier and gourmet, knowing how to enjoy life. It is all so different and everything falls to place in such a logical way, both the theory and the practice. Compliments to Leon, who has a unique concept of sailing for anyone, from newcomers to ambitious sailors. He just implements it perfectly." Click here to read more.

Frank Stammler, Germany, taking part in Leg 2-2023 Leg 2-2023 from Lymington/UK to Lorient/Bretagne.

“Living on my own boat as a live-aboard, it certainly sounds unnecessary to book a berth on a charter boat. But comparing a sailing leg on Regina Laska with a normal charter leg, although technically correct, would certainly be a blod understatement. What I found on Regina Laska was sailing with friends in a most comfortable and effective way. Onboard Regina Laska I could combine theory with practice in the most valuable and interesting way, while Leon’s great hospitality builds an incomparable atmosphere for learning and well-being onboard (as well as ashore). Both Malta courses were outstanding and the pinnacle now was the practical course, sailing in the most challenging tidal waters of Europe. The time onboard was in every aspect so valuable for me, and I am deeply thankful that I was able to join. " Click here to read more.

Matthias Schmitz, Germany, owner of Sirius 35DS “Clipper” currently based in the Med, taking part in Leg 2-2023 from Lymington/UK to Lorient/Bretagne.

“The RYA method is much more hands-on than the German SKS, constantly emphasising on good seamanship. Once I had taken the hurdle with the English sailing terminology, it was all really relaxed. There was a wide selection of RYA-books to help getting to know the terminology - not to forget Leon’s own new book "Praxisguide Fahrtensegeln” in German. Leon is not only an enthusiastic teacher, who has worked hard to keep complex things simple. He is also such a gifted presenter. In addition, Leon is also a good psychologist. And not to forget: the Yachtmaster theory course in Malta is much more than simply expanding knowledge. Taking part also means to become a member of the Regina Laska family! Getting together with lots of highly experienced sailors is one of the main highlights - and everything in a most relaxing and stress-free atmosphere." Click here to read more.

Christian Rudolph, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2023

"Compared to the German system, the SSS or the SKS, the Yachtmaster is more focused on the practical side. Having said that, it’s certainly not a beginners’ course. Leon tried to encourage us to be proper seamen (and women): instead of insisting on “overly correct” interpolation. He wanted us to be able to decide when it is important to be precise and when one degree or two don’t matter so much. Leon certainly has an eye for putting together a group and making everyone feel welcome and appreciated. Teaching is thorough and entertaining, and very generous. I really liked “Leon’s templates”, e.g. for secondary port calculations and passage planning. " Click here to read how the course felt.

Daniela Baumgaertl, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore shore-based course 2023

"The Shorebased Course RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean was exciting and very educational at the same time. Leon is able to explain and teach complex topics of astronomy and mathematics in a simple and understandable way - also thanks to specially created templates. In addition, I enjoyed the great atmosphere at the location on Malta and amongst all participants."

Christoph Gütersloh, Cassens & Plath GmbH, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2023

"Where are we? Actually you’ve got to know where you are to know where you are! This course dispels all those historic and maybe romantic “Master and Commander” moments with a journey into astronomy and a return to senior school trigonometry. Leon has an assistant to help with all this complexity, his custom templates - these at first are daunting but quickly become your best friend, guiding you through the challenges of azimuth, zenith and declination to name but a few. The course ties you to the mariners of yesteryear, but if you want to pick up a sextant and do a sun-run-sun position Leon’s approach and templates will get you your position to within a few miles. " Click here to read more.

Nick Coleman, UK, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2023

"Die Tage mir dir waren echt der Hammer! Dir ist es gelungen, ein komplexes Thema spielerisch, mit Humor und mit sehr viel Sachverstand zu vermitteln. Hut ab vor deiner fachlichen, inhaltlichen Expertise und auch deiner Begabung, diesen Inhalt zu vermitteln! Eine tolle Zeit wünsche ich dir und viel Spass mit dem bald beginnenden Kurs - die teilnehmenden Personen können sich auf dich freuen!" Click here to read more.

Michel Leuenberger, Schweiz, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2023

"I recently attended the Reginasailing Ocean Theory course and I am glad I did. I did have some prior knowledge of celestial navigation which I learnt from books but I never had a clear understanding of this very complex study. Leon demystified every aspect of it through his comfortable and entertaining approach to teaching. He obviously spent much time meticulously developing techniques and tools assuring a thorough understanding for his students. Leon did limit the class to ten which afforded proper attention to each participant. Besides everything I learned it was a very fun and enjoyable week. I highly recommend Leon's course to any one interested in upgrading to RYA Ocean Yachtmaster or just seeking a higher level of sailing knowledge."

Steve Vella, California/USA, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean shore-based course 2023

"Although I have been joining every summer for years, I continuously learn every time! It’s so wonderful to be "at home" on Regina Laska and each year enjoy Leon’s considerate thoughtful treatment in every detail. Again, each crew-member contributed so much by offering his or her individual and personal qualities. We were all so different and, yet, we fitted so well together! These two weeks turned into something really enjoyable and special - thanks to this extraordinary hand-picked crew that really gathered as part of the "Reginasailing Family"." Click here to read more.

Stefan Dohna, Germany, joining the sail training leg 2-2022 from Lymington/UK to Lorient/Bretagne/France and then onwards with leg 3-2022 from Lorient to La Coruna.

"Not only the way things are being taught is outstanding, but also how calm everything is dealt with! It gave me a lot of confidence and it convinced me, this is the true way of cruising. I’m can’t tell for sure why this atmosphere feels so re-assuring, maybe i’s because Leon is an engineer? To me, everything seemed so perfectly under control and is done with such a convincing ease! It all comes so naturally without the slightest hint of uncertainty or excitement. It was an adventure, for sure, but it never felt daunting. " Click here to read more.

Markus Schmirl, Germany, joining the sail training leg 2-2022 from Lymington/UK to Lorient/Bretagne/France

"The first thing that struck me onboard is the effortless way that Leon runs his boat, his calm and competent manner is infectious and relaxes everyone onboard. It doesn't matter what questions you ask, simple basic sailing techniques or complicated navigational problems, Leon always finds the time to answer in a way that everyone can understand. I think the term, learning by doing, sums up my time onboard, you are encouraged to participate in the planing and navigation, swap ideas and change the plan if it makes better sense." Let’s see if we meet there some day, Leon - in the Caribbean!!!" Click here to read more.

Kevin Kelly, UK, joining the sail training leg 2-2022 from Lymington/UK to Lorient/Bretagne/France

"When I joined the all-women sail training leg 3-2021, I had no clue what to expect. My new partner in life is a sailor and I was definitely not. So it was actually his idea that I should join Reginasailing. Just by the thought of going sailing, I was feeling insecure. To be honest, I was actually scared of sailing! After this week onboard Regina Laska, I am sure I will spend much more time on a sailing boat in the future! Leon is simply the calmest, most pedagogic sailing teacher there must exist. And I must reveal: I would now go sailing with or without (!) my partner! I was especially surprised how soon I felt relaxed on this big Hallberg-Rassy boat, while I was standing behind the steering wheel. Was I really steering such a big boat all by myself? Maybe the most important thing we learned is that if you follow the wind, you end up in the magical Caribbean! Let’s see if we meet there some day, Leon - in the Caribbean!!!" Click here to read more.

Mia Tapio, Sweden, sailing on the all-women sail training Leg 3-2021 in Galicia.

"It didn't take more than a day for my anxiety to turn into curiosity, my uncomfortable feeling to turn into a natural sense of comfort and instead of feeling overwhelmed, I felt a lot of respect and an ever growing sailing competence. At the same time, I found the chance to relax and let things happen what was meant to happen.  - I fell in love! I can’t describe how and when and why (no one can when falling in love), but I know for sure that it must have been Leon’s patience, humour and easiness. Him being around created the right environment in which it was possible for me to connect with the sea via Regina Laska. I felt the breath of this incredible power of life and I got touched in the deepest of my being. – It became so much more than a sailing holiday or a sail training course. Learning just happened without me really noticing." Click here to read more.

Nikola Aerts, Belgium, sailing on the all-women sail training Leg 3-2021 in Galicia.

"Some journeys are beautiful in their experience, but evolve their meaning in life only with time. This is especially true for this training trip to become a Yachtmaster Ocean. Under your guidance, one can concentrate on the essentials: sailing, learning how to use the sextant and calculate the position - or simply enjoying the bright side of life. Your excellent catering certainly contributed to this. The crew you carefully put together became friends and contributed greatly to the success of the trip. And last but not least, the training you provided is unparalleled in Germany. I finally understood astronavigation and feel confident in using it. I do look forward to returning on board!" Click here to read more.

Burkhard Graßmann, Germany, sailing on Leg 1-2021 from La Coruna (Galicia) to Marbella (Med).

"Sailing is not only about going from port A to port B it's also about meeting people and making new friends. Without any hesitation I can say I met and made more friends during these three weeks of sailing compared to last four years of living in the UK. We were lucky to meet Leon in the beginning of our trip, he's changed our course and plans in the best possible way, gave us some tips and advices, shared places to visit, he gave us his book about his adventures and while reading it I recognise myself. It feels like you've met one of your best friend you haven't seen for a while. I don't know if we see him again, but if we will, we'll tell each other stories about ours adventures like we've met the other week."

Irina Karter, Russia, sailing with her husband Alex from UK on the refitted steelboat "Acid Rain".

"I enjoy and learn so much from you and now through your Celestial Astro-videos which are a great resource, and one that I wish I had before buying some of my text books. Your courses are so very different and unique from the standard RYA theory courses I have tried before! The wealth of experience and knowledge you have is there from the very start and comes through in your thinking around a subject and the method you use in developing that idea, so others can learn from it easily but effectively. The way you deliver and the style of teaching you employ is unique from all previous courses I have taken. Whilst you want your students to pass the exam, I always get the impression that your main focus is more about teaching us good seamanship and techniques that you know will work. You are preparing us for every and any eventuality in a structured way, and that in itself enables your students to pass their exams anyway. "

Jake Adams, UK, taking the Yachtmaster Offshore theory and practical in 2019, heading for the Yachtmaster Ocean in 2021.

"After three years on the waiting list, we finally got an offer to join! To sail on Regina Laska is sailing the royal way: This grand old lady gracefully rides the waves and plays with the wind in such a confident way. I must admire Leon's high expectations and his trust he puts in his crew to navigate and handle his fine Lady. We now fully understand why it is so popular to sail with Leon and Regina Laska and why the waiting time can be so long! We really hope that we will get the opportunity to come back soon again without having to wait for another three years...." Click here to read more.

Eva Helgesson, Sweden, Arcona owner, joining Leg 13-2019 from Oban/Scotland to Dublin/Ireland

"My name is Silke with no sailing experience whatsoever. And more importantly: I’m absolutely no adventurer! My husband had invited me to join (most likely with the hidden agenda to discover my until then fully inexistent love for sailing). I was to sail on Regina Laska, a boat my husband hasn’t stopped talking about since the day he and our daughter Anna had sailed on her the year before. I felt some sort of uncertainty what I had signed up to and, especially, what sort of “spectacular things” could happen along the way… " Click here to read more.

Silke, Germany, Cranchi Endurance 33 Motorboat owner, joining Leg 10-2019 from Lymington, The Solent /UK to Kinsale in Ireland

"What a joy to return to Regina Laska! You keep her in such top condition that her sea worthiness is never in doubt. And the good feeling I feel when boarding her again is just the feeling of visiting a specially familiar place. You sail Regina Laska to places so unfamiliar to me, so I may experience new adventures and discover places I would otherwise never come to. I have always enjoyed the company onboard - the folks I have had the good fortune to sail with. I especially appreciate meeting people from the entire world!" Click here to read more.

Tom Kingston, Minesota/USA, joining for the 6th time on Regina Laska, this time leg 13-2019 from Oban in Scotland to Dublin in Ireland.

"Luck and happiness is the best that can happen to anyone. The raw materials of luck are joy, satisfaction, and this wonderful feeling of pleasure, laughter, joviality, force and gratitude.

 I am so thankful, once again, for my annual sailing week onboard SY Regina Laska with Leon and the humorous crew onboard. A “Yes we can” feeling among the crew evolved, after managing difficult sailing passages, all while the relaxed Leon was calmly observing and giving advice here and there if needed.
 " Click here to read more.

Ludwig Obermeier, Germany, sailing the RYA Coastal Skipper leg 7-2019 from Lymington/The Solent to the Channel Islands and back.

"I would just like to say how much I enjoyed being on board 'Regina Laska'. It was a pleasure to meet the crew and watch them demonstrate their skills, and I am pleased that they all had a positive result. Thank you also for the excellent catering. The meals were 'second to none' and the best provided by any sailing school. I was royally looked after. Thank you for dropping me off in Yarmouth. The demonstration of your own boat handling skills were an inspiration to your crew and myself." Click here to see photos.

Allan Hogton, UK/Gibraltar, first Whitbread around the World sailor (1973), Cap Hornier and RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean examiner, and very well known to many Yachtmaster candidates. 

"Steering in the rough sea like in the Needles strait and spending the night on the ship was the first experience for us, but we were very excited. Although the big waves came one after another, your steering was very smooth and we could feel relaxed on the boat. We could learn that good steering would give guests peace of mind.  All the dishes you made for us were very delicious, and we could enjoy 2days of living on a sailing boat. We want to get on your boat again." Click here to see photos.

Makoto Fujimoto, Japan, flying all the way from Japan for two days of sail training on Regina Laska in The Solent/UK.

"I have sailed with you in the past, but this was the first time for me to sail with you as an instructor. I decided to trust your judgement and your experience in bringing me from where I was to where I should have been in order to be worthy of being an RYA Yachtmaster. By the end of the two weeks I felt a strong convergence of all concepts and skills gained and my confidence level was up to the roof. This experience made me appreciate you not only as a great skipper but also as a great instructor and to anyone willing to take the challenge of becoming a Yachtmaster I can recommend the experience with Regina Laska 110%." Click here to read more.

Lorenzo Murzilli, Italian living in Switzerland,  joining the RYA Yachtmaster Prep course Leg 5-2019 from Cuxhaven to Lymington, The Solent/UK.

"I really wanted to get some tidal experience and here was my chance! Suddenly, all the theory I learnt in Malta really came to life! I really enjoyed the night passages as well as getting to know the other crew mates! We all fitted together so well and got along really nicely. Leon’s humble sovereignty gave us a lot of power to become really active ourselves! " Click here to read more.

Christoph Lussi, Germany, Hallberg-Rassy 36 owner in, joining Leg 5-2019 from Cuxhaven to Dunkerque

"We’re not sure how it once began and who tried to convince whom... Was it Anna, who chose a sailing trip for her Abitur? And was it then her father Achim who consequently decided that if they really were going on a sailing trip together, it would be on no other vessel than Regina Laska? Or was it rather Anna, who wished to go sailing with Leon and just accepted her father to come along? Anyway, for me, I have not had a time anything like this for a long time: Leaving all my problems and tasks behind for a great week with my daughter! " Click here to read more.

Father Achim Helmenstein with daughter Anna, Germany, Cranchi Endurance 33 Motorboat owners, joining Leg 8-2018 from Oban to Troon in Scotland

"This was our very first cruise on a sailing boat ever! We didn’t know what to expect, but it feels as if it has become a life-changer for us: It was all so very impressive and breathtaking! A completely new way of seeing the world and living one’s life! Looks like we‘re hooked now! All I can think of right now is how to arrange that we may come back as soon as possible for more sailing! " Click here to read more.

Simone & Markus Schmirl, Germany, sailing for the first time ever on leg 4-2019 from Laboe (Baltic) through the Kiel Canal to Cuxhaven (North Sea), both Germany.

"My feeling happiness and relaxed existence is thanks to you, Leon: You create so much more than just sailing! You create life, it feels! You take so perfectly care of your guests to melt into one large Regina Laska Family. I feel safe, comfortable and stylish, but especially happy and free." Click here to read more about Jenny's senses.

Jenny Schulz, sailing leg 1-2019 from Vindön, Sweden, to Neustadt, Germany.

"There was no Nutella onboard! After a hearty welcome onboard the perfectly prepared Regina Laska, my sailing vacation with learning character could begin. But, there was no Nutella! Hardly had we anchored in a wonderful bay behind the Onsala-peninsula, Leon began rigging his onboard sauna. But, there was still no Nutella onboard! I really checked everywhere onboard , but no Nutella! I am really looking forward to next time. And then, I will bring my own Nutella!" Click here to read more about Torsten's Nutella-free week onboard.

Torsten Lange, obviously Nutella-devouring German, sailing leg 1-2019 from Vindön, Sweden, to Neustadt, Germany.

"Whatever competence Leon already has, he is still hungry to pick up new things. He is a very enthusiastic listener when candidates share their view and think they can bring some knowledge to the table. The skipper on Regina Laska is informal – but dead serious about everything on board. He is an open book, stuffed with impressive knowledge - that he loves to share with everyone. On board, Leon actively manages to build a great atmosphere, combining his competence and extraordinary social skill." Click here to read more

Arne Odden, Norway, Najad 372 and Najad 511 owner, sailing leg 1-2019 from Vindön, Sweden, to Neustadt, Germany.

"The real benefit of the course was the team chemistry created by Leon. The Yachtmaster theory course in Malta brought together very different characters of sailors at all levels to produce a fun, motivated, always open and helpful crew that guided itself through long working hours of navigational calculations, rather monotonous ColRegs and different aspects of passage planning – never leaving behind the slower ones and always with a good joke at hand. As a consequence, I signed up for the first possible opening as crew on Regina Laska. I look forward to the next steps." Click here to read more

Christoph Lussi, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster-Theory-Course in Malta 2019

"Leon has this unique ability to bring people together and to take them on a journey of discovery, whilst making sure no one gets left behind. You come away with so much more than a certificate on Leon’s courses, you become part of the Regina Laska sailing family that he talks so passionately about. My only regret is not having discovered Leon sooner." Click here to read more

Jake Adam, UK, taking the RYA Yachtmaster-Theory-Course in Malta 2019 as a refresher to the Theory he already had taken a year before

"During the last days of 2013 I read a book called “Sabbatical at Sea”. It was a book I had bought for Christmas and it didn’t take many days to finish it shortly thereafter. I had no idea to which degree this little Christmas present would change my entire life! Even before I had finished the book, my own Atlantic Circuit hat formed in my head and had become a dream of myself." Click here to read more

Manuela & Markus Feldmann, Switzerland, first sailing Leg 6-2015 Dublin – Oban on Regina Laska, then buying their own HR39 sailing to the Caribbean and back with their two children.

"It was a very intensive week in Malta. Adding essential knowledge and skills to my, until then, basic and rudimentary sailing education was really a challenge to me. It was interesting to see how everybody was ambitious to pass the test and it was Leon´s personal merit to form a group of people, who didn't know each other before, to become study-teams where all were interested in heightening their own skills." Click here to read more

Achim Helmenstein, Cologne/Germany, Cranchi Endurance33 Motorboat owner on Mallorca, taking the RYA Yachtmaster-Theory-Course in Malta 2018

"Leon is a very gifted teacher. With a very light touch he really encouraged and brought all my learning together. I finished the week learning far more than I thought possible, feeling confident and enthusiastic."

Sandra Morson, Scotland, sailing the all-women sail training leg 13-2018 in Sweden

"Regina Laska moves like a queen through the water, carrying four eager women as her crew in safety, comfort and style! We teamed up fantastically, taking turns to do everything, learning from all tips and tricks you taught us. Leon, I must confess: I am hooked! " Click here to read more of this leg including photos

Eva Jaxing, Sweden, experienced dinghy sailor and power-boater, taking part at the all-women sail training leg 13-2018 in Sweden

"This was my third trip with Leon. Last year, I sailed I a long leg from England to Spain, crossing the Bay of Biscay. This was a truly fantastic experience. However, this year I wanted to do something else. I love adventure and this trip turned out to be fantastic, In any way over expectations. I feel very grateful that I got to see the Scottish Highlands from the sea and sail with a really nice crew!  However there was one outstanding thing: to visit Fair Isle was definitely the highlight for me! I will never forget Fair Isle!" Click here to see photos of this leg including caption

Filip Nicklasson, Sweden/Norway, sailing leg 10-2018 from Inverness via Orkney and Fair Isle to Lerwick, Shetlands.

"What a week! Hard to find the right words: stunning, fantastic, unique. That’s what the whole crew felt! Remote on fabulous Fair Isle, challenging rocking the tidal waves in Sumburgh Roost, anchoring in beautiful St Ninian’s Bay with steam spa and barbecue on board. Your hospitality was perfect, fine food, excursions to Scapa distillery and Fair Isle bird observatory, it could not have been better." Click here to see photos of this leg including caption

Gerd Scheurer, Germany, X-45C owner with over 1o,ooo miles of experience, sailing leg 10-2018 from Inverness via Orkney and Fair Isle to Lerwick, Shetlands.

"It's just fantastic that I, again, could be part of writing yet another chapter in the ongoing Regina Laska saga. And this Reginasailing legend is FOR REAL and NOW! Each leg is unique, each one is chapter, each one is made by the people who are lucky enough to join onboard, writing the pages of this ongoing Reginasailing adventure. It's a true SAGA! No more words are needed as testimonial. The rest is a blast of emotions." Click here to see some photos with caption

Mattias Hedlund, Sweden, Fenix owner, sailing for the 5th year on Regina Laska, this time leg 10-2018 from Inverness via Orkney and Fair Isle to Lerwick, Shetlands.

" Just press the button, and Leon provides profound expertise about navigation, radar handling, tidal calculation, rig trim, man over board maneuver, ropework…you name it! Leon is not only taking care of navigating the boat safely through ocean waters, but he's also giving the crew a big share of the responsibility in handling the boat. In between, he prepares wonderful meals twice a day, which give the crew the feeling of being on a luxury cruise, rather than on a sailing vessel. The cultural experience was outstanding, e.g. listening to Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture when passing Staffa, whisky tastings, visiting a distillery, hearing to Leon’s stories about the Iona Abbey and passing Mull of Kintyre accompanied by Paul McCartney`s song of the same name." Click here to read the full story

Ludwig Obermeier, Germany, sailing leg 8-2018 from Oban to Troon in Scotland.

"The crew was fantastic, a perfect mix of interesting, motivated people from different parts of the world with a passion for sailing and a lot to share. On the learning side, that was really amazing. Although it wasn’t anything like formal lessons, the amount of experience I took back with me was impressive. It feels like you kind of learn by ‘infusion’, just breathing that air dense of stories. Everything was so perfect, each single piece was nicely and seamlessly working together with the rest, from navigation to life onboard, apparently without any real effort. I’ll be honoured to be part of your crew again." Click here to read the full story

Salvo Digiovanni, Italy, sailing leg 4-2018 from Kinsale via the South-West coast of Ireland to Dublin, all in Ireland.

"I have met many captains throughout my long life at sea. Leon is outstanding. He is highly professional and what I would call a “real captain” in all aspects. Totally calm, sovereign and well thought-through in every detail, he moves his boat in all situations as if she formed part of his body. Always full of respect and understanding for his crew, he passes on his deep knowledge, seamanship and skills on such a natural way and in no rush! 'Slow is Pro', Leon reveals, while explaining a manoeuvre in detail to his guests. From newcomer to highly experienced ocean sailor: On Regina Laska, everyone can learn something!" Click here to read the full story

Anders Isberg, Ex Naval Officer in the Swedish Navy, sailing leg 6-2018 from and to Oban, Scotland.

"Leon was once again totally in his element when sharing his great joy for cruising and his extreme knowledge and seamanship. I was especially impressed by Leon’s calmness and the deep trust he showed in us when handing over the responsibility to sail his beautiful yacht. Here, I learnt a lot, since one grows so much more with tasks and responsibilities beyond the usual. It felt like sailing with very good friends, who all had ample time to practice seamanship and skills together. I really like the informal, yet highly interesting and informative exchange of experience between the participants." Click here to read the full story

Ralf Gude, Germany, Bestevaer owner, sailing on Yachtmaster Prep Leg 2-2018 from Cuxhavento Lymington/UK.

"Leon, you share a beautiful, well-fitted and maintained yacht in Regina Laska. She is so capable that we feel that we can truly relax and enjoy the journey in all weather conditions. Your warm, attentive hospitality and accomplished seamanship allow us all to fearlessly immerse ourselves in the pleasure of sailing. Above all, traveling with you is also visiting with old friends!" Click here to read the full story

Tom Kingston, USA, sailing with his wife Pat on Leg 4 -2018 from Kinsale via SW-coast of Ireland to Dublin

"This was really a week that contained everything I had hoped for. Sailing from the Islands of Scilly to Cork into the sunset with a rolling sea and no other ships in sight gave us very peaceful moments and some sort of ocean feelings which I was looking for. All this would not have been as comfortable as it was, if Leon would not have created this pleasant atmosphere on board, including the delicious dinners and the many interesting and often funny conversations with Anne, Sasha and Carl-Axel, who were joining this leg." Click here to read the full story

Thomas Mühlberger, Austria, crossing the Celtic Sea on Leg 3-2018 from Lymington (UK) via Scilly Islands to Kinsale (Ireland).

"Creating this kind of extraordinary learning experience, would only be possible for an experienced and engaging personality like Leon. The RYA curriculum fits perfectly in to Leon’s sailing philosophy & style of teaching. Leon’s attention to detail in all aspects of the yacht is exemplary. The yacht is in pristine condition, everything has it’s own place in a logical order, for every major system on the yacht there is a redundancy system. You also immediately feel welcome on Regina Laska in a very natural way by Leon – he really wants everybody to feel at home on the yacht. I soon felt we were all part of the Reginasailing family." Click here to read the full story

Carl-Axel Schauman, Finland, taking Yachtmaster Theory in Malta and sailing Leg 3 &4 -2018 from Lymington to Ireland.

"Twice before I had been sailing on Regina Laska, but those had been the “all-women legs”. After both of these, I had returned home fully relaxed and full of energy. This Yachtmaster sail training was different! When I came home I felt tired, exhausted and confused. Instead of gaining self-confidence and finding the joy of sailing like on the "all-women legs", with this Yachtmaster course the learning and training is much more in the foreground! This was an intense training leg, for sure!" Click here to read the full story

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing Leg 2-2018 from Cuxhaven to Lymington

"Leon is a great teacher. He always started with the concepts. Understanding the concepts helped me when I did not get a detail- I just went back up to the concept and worked it through. His personal observations on my learning style greatly supported the learning process. Light touch yet remarkable. I was very impressed and surprised with how much I learnt and how my confidence and interest grew. I worked hard all week and enjoyed every minute."

Sandra Morson, Scotland, HR40 owner, taking the Yachtmaster Theory course in Malta 2018

"Sailing with Leon on Regina Laska is a privilege to be treasured for a long time. A consummate professional, whether as skipper, instructor, chef, sommelier or adventure host, Leon does it all with enthusiasm and flair. Sharing not only his beautiful yacht but also his extensive knowledge of cruising, Leon’s generosity to his guests is unmatched. There’s always something new to learn from Leon, much of it by example. I’m lucky to have him as a resource for my seafaring adventures." Click here to see some photos

Carol Wu, Hongkong, HR340 owner, sailing Leg 2-2018 from Cuxhaven to Lymington

"Leon is simply wonderful. I have passed the Yachtmaster theory assessment already when I arrived in Malta, but felt that my understanding of the subject was academic rather than working knowledge that can be applied actively at sea. Leon’s fun, interactive teaching style changed that. On his courses, the learning stays with you after you have left the classroom. Plus, he has the patience of a saint. Every question from each student was answered thoughtfully, in comfort and style, of course. Thank you, Leon!" Click here to see some photos

Carol Wu, Hongkong, HR340 owner, taking the Yachtmaster Theory course in Malta 2018

"Despite Leon’s colourful examples and very patient attempts to clarify things, I felt frustrated and limited in my basic knowledge. I was very grateful for the patience shown by Leon and other members in the class when I needed to go back over something simple. While Leon clearly provides you with the academic “tools” to use, his real gift in presenting this course is in his manner of leading the many discussions, providing relevant personal examples with his trademark enthusiasm and drawing out personal experiences from his students so that your learning is reinforced. So, in hindsight, I learnt far more than I initially thought." Click here to read full story

Cyndy Moncrieff, Australia, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta.

"We have come back to sail with Leon each year for 5 years now, sometimes sailing more than one leg in a single year. This in itself is a strong recommendation to sail on Regina Laska. Sailing the Swedish Archipelago was an eerie experience, and a new chapter in our navigational catalogue. Then there is the comfort of Regina Laska. As always, the boat was very ‘gemütlich', and a pleasure to journey in. Finally, Leon has become a colleague over the years, so that now we are more friends who pay their way, than clients!" Click here to read full story

Ross Moncrieff, Australia, joining Regina Laska for the 5th year in a row on Leg 1-2018 from Vindön, Sweden, to Cuxhaven, Germany

"The week in Malta was intense, pedagogic, instructive, informative and very, very much fun! A great mix of sailors from the whole world gathered in Malta and gave many new perspectives and thoughts re our own blue-water cruise. Leon really has the ability to make both tidal navigation and meteorology understandable. "

Viveka Ljungström, Sweden, owning a Contest 48, taking the Yachtmaster Theory in Malta, 2018

"Leon passed on the huge amount of intense matter with great enthusiasm, giving us students so much fun and we laughed a lot! Leon’s vast experience and his stories constantly kept us attentive. The session on meteorology was phenomenal. Both the pro's (there were two Lufthansa airline pilots amongst us) and the amateurs were impressed by how clearly and vividly Leon brings meteorology to life. I would like to highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about sailing, navigation and seamanship in a highly pleasant atmosphere.
" Click here to read full story

Ralf Gude, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta

"I participated in an intensive learning week, doing the RYA yacht master prep-course in Malta. Leon teaches in a relaxed and easy to follow way. It was fun, also because our group was working together very well. We were laughing a lot during this week and that 
is the most important thing. 
For me, I can say, that my first step for navigating in tidal waters is now done! I`m looking forward to do the second step in summer by sailing in Scotland with Leon onboard Regina Laska.
" Click here to read full story

Ludwig Obermeier, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta

"This is a real "crash course" and the "fast lane" in sailing theory. A really realistic and hands-on way of learning! I had lots of fun doing it, and sticking to Leon, who repeated over and over again: It's all about understanding! I do not quite understand how Leon is doing this, but he probably chooses his students carefully, since I was only surrounded by very smart, open-minded, international and very warm-hearted people, which made me feel so comfortable right away!" Click here to read full story

Julia Pukelsheim, Germany, taking the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course in Malta

"If you wish to learn navigation and laugh at the same time, take a course with Leon!"

Kajsa Lemby, Sweden, owning HR31 "Bikkuri", taking the Yachtmaster Theory in Malta, 2018

"Lots of wind from behind with big following waves gave us a rough start and seasickness. The first 24h were horrible, the second 24h I was at least able to react to normal life, but it wasn’t until the third day at sea that I felt that my sealegs were finally growing. I was glad, I was sailing on a safe ship, with people whom I trusted and all took very well care of me. Thanks a lot, guys! It was Leon’s trust that made us grow! We quickly became very experienced; much more than I ever could have anticipated. Somehow sailing with Leon is like learning on the fast track!" Read more

Christian Pukelsheim, Germany, crossing the North Sea on Leg 14-2017 from Inverness, Scotland to Vindön, Sweden.

"I needed to escape from today’s world of deadlines, decisions and deliverables! And for a short while there was suddenly space and time to do exactly that: escape; taking our shrinking world and stretching out the horizon into nothing but companionship. I found a new space with fellowship, trust, empathy and humour. All wrapped up in our world of sunshine, food and watches, all on a rolling seascape of deep blue water. We finally had time; that precious commodity! It allowed us space for banter, debate and laughter. And with this came that long slow Atlantic swell undulating across the horizon and dark dark skies with innumerable stars." Read more

Nick Coleman, UK, crossing the Bay of Biscay on Leg 5-2017.

"I know Leon calls it 'cruising in safety, comfort and style' and I was really eager to experience what this could mean in practice. Even for a Scottish summer it was pretty cold and rainy. However, weather is completely overrated. What matters instead, are the people and the boat and guess what…?! It was a fantastic week onboard Regina Laska!!! The heavier weather in Scotland provided for a lot of interesting sailing experience. We tested the cutterstay sail, we enjoyed the strong winds and the high waves. We also talked about almost every piece of equipment you can have on a sailing boat." Read more

Christel Schindler with her husband Achim, Germany, HR43 owners, sailing the Leg 11-2017 in Scotland.

"Leon is a master in creating this unique balance between social settings and demanding sailing adventures. He takes care of the crew in a never resting attention, always available for questions of any kind. His service attitude is amazing. Whether it comes to tidal questions, sauna, or surprising meals. Our week in Scotland on Regina Laska was probably the best gift I could give myself!" Read more

Per Haraldsen with wife Irene Wiedswang, Norway, HR42F owners, sailing the Leg 11-2017 in Scotland.

"I’m not a sentimental person, but this time it was different. I now try to rationalize these emotions and here I am writing about one of the best weeks of my life! Leon managed to excel in what I consider his best skills: the ability to pick up crew members that fit together and the great care and attention he pays to ensure their experience is at its best. This is so much more than just sailing! It's the psychology behind and the people I share it with that makes the difference. This annual sailing week on Regina Laska helps me to grow into a better person, year after year!" Read more

Lorenzo Murzilli, Italy/Switzerland, crossed the North Sea on Leg Leg 14-2017 from Inverness/Scotland to Vindön/Orust/Sweden.

"Leon is very capable in creating a team out of complete strangers, as well as finding and developing each individual’s strengths as sailors. Those are leadership skills indeed. He is one of the few people being ideologically committed to cruising as an idea and a way of life. Transferring skills and knowledge is one aspect of this project he is very good at. In addition, and just as important, is his extremely solution oriented and inspiring personality. If you want to upgrade your sailing skills within the RYA framework (which I think is the best), then look no further!" Read more

William Brochs-Haukedal, Norway, sailed on Leg 4-2017 in The Solent passing his Yachtmaster in style.

"Being on the ocean for several days was my strongest sailing experience to date: my life was reduced to sailing, taking care of myself, feeling responsible for the crew and the boat. My mind settled, I became calm and I was completely happy just sitting on the coaming of Regina Laska’s cockpit for hours and hours! It filled me with peace and serenity. Unforgettable moments of total fulfilment. I could have gone on forever like this!" Read more

Marianne Karlsen, Switzerland, sailed on Leg 3-2017 in the English Channel as well as Leg 9-2017 crossing the Bay of Biscay from Spain to Ireland.

"I came back totally motivated after the sail training week! I would have wished we had had more skippers like yourself on my previous sailing holidays on other boats. You are so outstanding that it has now become difficult to get back to another type of skipper. Therefore, I really hope I can come again next year! Thank you for the so very relaxing and informative week! P.S. Maybe I would have wished for some more Chocolate! ;-)"

Oriana Hering, Germany, sailed on the all-women Leg 7-2017 from Portosin, Galicia, Spain to Porto, Portugal.

"To experience you, Leon, as a skipper and trainer was a discovery previously unknown to me: Highly competent and knowledgeable, your blessed calmness based on personal qualities turned this sailing trip to an extraordinary combination of a relaxing enjoyable holiday and high-end professional sail training. It was so fascinating to experience how all was made so simple and understandable and doable for all of us!" Read more

Margret Waubke, Germany, owning Comfortina 35, sailed on the all-women Leg 7-2017 from Portosin, Galicia, Spain to Porto, Portugal.

"The tenor and spirit onboard was wonderful from the very beginning and we had so much fun together! How can Leon create such an atmosphere, I wonder? During our sailing trip we mainly had good winds, but also calms and fog are part of the local weather, which gave good practice in radar navigation!" Read more

Antje Paetzold, Germany, sailed on the all-women Leg 6-2017 in Galicia, Spain.

"The experience I had was amazing, not only because of the things I have learned, but mainly for the emotions and the nice feelings. I have experienced how nice a sailing life can be, how many nice people one can meet and how to combine the passion for travelling with sailing. It is special to have met you, Leon; a sensitive man that combines professionalism with sensibility." Read more

Anna Lisa Dona, Italy/Switzerland, sailed on the all-women Leg 6-2017 in Galicia, Spain.

"Leon teaches with involvement, humour and confidence. I give my highest recommendations to Leon and Regina Sailing. Further to every thinkable piece of safety equipment you can find on the market, Regina Laska is also hiding comfort, a sauna and a great chef. Are you thinking of taking the next step to becoming a better sailor – look no further, go sailing with Leon!" Read more

Christoffer Iveslätt, Sweden, sailed Leg 3-2017 from Lymington, The Solent to the Channel Islands and back.

"Leon is so understanding and exactly the right person to motivate us ‘sailing women’. I feel strengthened and reinforced. I know now: This is the way I want to sail in the future. This is the way sailing is fun. This is simply my way of sailing! Of course, everyone knows by now that all of Leon’s ‘Chicas’ wish to come sailing with him again! And I must admit, I am no exception…. " Read more

Dorothee Laxhuber, Germany/Switzerland, owning a Outremer 51 sailed on the all-women Leg 6-2017 in Galicia, Spain.

"I can't imagine learning about sailing under the auspices of anyone as perfectly suited to the task as with Leon - Leon has certainly found his calling. I can highly recommend his courses to any level of sailor!!" Read more

Julie Kelleher, USA, owning a HR48, sailed on the all-women Leg 6-2017 in Galicia, Spain.

"Leon never seemed to become agitated - always staying calm. With his thoughtful nature he provided a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. I felt like a sponge absorbing all the things Leon was so willing to share. The most important takeaways from this week? The confidence of becoming a skipper myself one day and now having this omnipresent idea of going cruising for a longer time!" Read more

Denny Christochowitz, German living in Switzerland, sailing Leg 3-2015 from Lymington, UK to the Channel Islands and back.

"My previous legs on Regina Laska had all been a most pleasant and relaxing experience. This time was a little different: a serious examination was scheduled at the end of the leg! The biggest challenge was that during the two days exam, sailing takes only place on the basis of classical navigation! For an average charter skipper, used to take advantage of modern aids to navigation, this is quite a challenge." Read more

Michael Eberhartinger, Austria, sailed on the Yachtmaster Prep Course Leg 2-2017 from Cuxhaven to Lymington and passed his Yachtmaster Exam at the end of the Leg.

"Without any doubt, it has been one of my best sailing experiences ever! Leon provided the best atmosphere I can think of. Training and learning happened in a friendly and relaxed setting, at the same time very focused and serious. In a very positive manner Leon constantly encouraged all of us and, yet, provided hints for improvement." Read more

Achim Schindler, Germany, HR43 owner, sailing the Yachtmaster Prep course, Leg 2-2017, from Cuxhaven, Germany, to The Solent, UK.

"This was so different to learning in a classroom! Leon uses context to construct a meaning to every bit of sailing! Your “Fingerspitzengefühl”, meaning your intuition and your very special feeling for everything onboard, is unbelievable and I don’t understand where you take all your energy from, always having an encouraging word for each and everyone of us!" Read more

Michel Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing the Yachtmaster Prep course, Leg 2-2017, from Cuxhaven, Germany, to The Solent, UK.

"Leon, your engagement and positive attitude gave us all wings! Thanks to Leon and my fellow crew members, we became a close group and a great team, where everybody supported each other whenever needed. I learned so much in these two weeks that I would do it again without any question!" Read more

Jos Wammes, from Holland living in Switzerland, sailing the Yachtmaster Prep course, Leg 2-2017, from Cuxhaven, Germany, to The Solent, UK.

"During this RYA theory course in Malta, we could get a glance of the friendly way of learning! A course, where learning was made so easy and gave so much joy! All participants were wonderful people and I think this has lead up to friendship for life! A crash course for some and a good repetition for others. And all this embedded in a great holiday-feeling in the sunshine!" Read more

Stefan Graf zu Dohna, Germany, taking part at the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course, Malta

"I must confess: Maths is not one of my favourite subjects so I was afraid this theory course would be tough on me. However, Leon’s sensitivity against my very modest love for Maths was encouraging and I never got that ugly feeling of ‘not being smart enough’. It was so nice to solve all Maths problems in such a ‘relaxed’ way!" Read more

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland, taking part at the RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course, Malta

"Leon’s way of delivering this RYA course by taking just a small group of no more than 8 students and to gather these on Malta was so spot on! I really enjoyed the fact the course was so full of great true stories taken from the real world packed with Leon’s vast sailing experience. Therefore, the theory felt so hands-on and practical and 'un-theoretical'" Read more

Christian Pukelsheim, Germany, RYA Yachtmaster Theory course Malta

"It was so exciting to learn with Leon that I felt uplifted into a new dimension. We all become so energized and motivated to learn more and more about sailing and Leon’s easy to understand way of explaining and his unbeatable entertaining “story telling hours” helped us to come so close to our dreams that we could almost touch them! Anything seemed possible and nothing undoable - just follow your heart and live your dreams!" Read more

Marianne Karlsen, Switzerland, Yachtmaster Theory course on Malta

"The RYA shore-based training course in Malta was a fantastic week. Leon is a great teacher with profound knowledge as well as the best inspirer on sailing I have ever met so far! You could virtually feel the daily increasing desire by all participants to sail more!" Click here to read full story

Achim Schindler, Germany, HR43 owner, preparing himself with a Reginasailing RYA Yachtmaster Theory course on Malta before joining on the Yachtmaster Prep course later during the year.

"My expectations were high as the sky. After all, I had read the other testimonials and looked at all the wonderful photos from previous guests. But the actual experience to sail on Regina Laska surpasses anything that can be written in words or captured in pictures…! It’s simply the atmosphere!" Click here to read full story

Irene Wiedswang, Norway, HR42F owner, sailing on the all-women sail training leg 15-2016 in the Swedish west-coast archipelago.

"I don’t have the impression that I was on a sail-training course at all. Rather, I feel I was invited as a guest by a passionate person, willing to share his knowledge, his skills, and cooking art. Sailing on Regina Laska is sailing in a human atmosphere. The group is small, and so is the shared space, and, yet, the experience is so great!" Click here to read full story

Laura Braive, Belgium, HR53 owner, sailing on the all-women sail training leg 15-2016 in the Swedish west-coast archipelago.

"Leon is the best, most sensitive and understanding teacher I could ever imagine! I left Regina Laska full of pride, since I had been able to accomplish so much! My next step with Leon is to join his theory course in Malta. I wish to continue returning until I finally can skipper a boat on my own." Click here to read full story

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing on the all-women sail training leg 15-2016 in the Swedish west-coast archipelago.

"My previous conviction that I would forever remain in the roll of the deckhand has changed. I can now well imagine to skipper a boat, which I am also intending to do in the future – no question! Leon, you have such a wonderful way of approaching people!" Click here to read full story

Nicole Wenning, Germany, sailing on the all-women sail training leg 15-2016 in the Swedish west-coast archipelago.

"These Hallberg-Rassy sailboats are so solid and dependable, they inspire a timid sailor like me with much confidence after sailing other, more light fiberglass boats. You are so careful with safety — both in your instructions and with your latest technology gear. As we both know, sailing is NOT intuitive for me, but you make it seem so easy. You explain your ideas so well that they seem intuitive." Click here to read full story

Patty Kingston, Minnesota/USA, sailing in Galicia, Spain, Leg 9-2016

"To experience the 'real' Ocean was for me a unique and outstanding experience! To see and feel how 'empty' the oceans actually are! This was an emotional moment. I felt free and independent!" Click here to read full story

Michel Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing the 786 miles long RYA Ocean Qualifying leg 12-2016 nonstop from Porto to England

"When Leon talks about “Sailing in Safety, Comfort and Style”, it is in no way a simple slogan. Rather, this is Leon’s credo, which he follows in every aspect and into every little detail. Sailing with Leon, that’s sailing with a friend!" Click here to read full story

Markus Wratschko, Austria, sailing the 786 miles long RYA Ocean Qualifying leg 12-2016 nonstop from Porto to England

"This Galician leg offered very nice sailing in moderate winds in the beautiful sheltered Rías of Spain, but still we also went out in the Atlantic and got the feel of the ocean swell. We were allowed to choose some of our destinations and thus felt we were having our very own private trip. When anchored in one of several charming little villages, Leon was our guide to interesting out-of-the way attractions." Click here to read full story

Per Östgård with Dragana Carapic, Sweden, sailing in Galicia, Spain, Leg 9-2016

"The beautiful Rías of Galicia/Spain with their sunny warm days, steady afternoon winds and cool restful nights made this leg a true respite from our lives back home. You offered plenty of opportunity for input from all crew in choosing the menu, routing, ports of call and the schedule of daily activities. This truly makes me feel like our sail together was my personal trip. You are most generous to allow us all to actively sail Regina Laska as though she were our own." Click here to read full story

Tom Kingston, Minnesota/USA, sailing in Galicia, Spain, Leg 9-2016

"Leon has changed our lives, introducing us to places we'd not thought of, and extending our sailing beyond the shores and into the hinterland to experience the heart of these places. We absolutely loved Spain, and feel grateful that Leon enticed us to sail there. Galicia opened our eyes to a land and culture we'd not considered before, and prepared us for the generous and inclusive nature of the people we met while sailing the Rias down to Portugal." Click here to read full story

Ross Moncrieff, Australia, sailing in Galicia, Spain, Leg 8-2016

"My third time and longest passage yet on Regina Laska was an amazing experience! With great planning and no stress to cross, we waited for the best weather window to show up and then left for the 3 days crossing of the Great Bay. I will, of course, be back for another trip as soon as I can!" Click here to read full story

Ludvig Olsson, Sweden, crossing the Bay of Biscay on Leg 7-2016

"Sailing on Regina Laska exceeded all my expectations. Everything is above standard on your cruises and your attention to detail is mind blogging. I also appreciated your approach to safety. All in all a 10/10! Next year, I wish to bring my wife along!" Click here to read full story

Lorenzo Murzilli, Italy/Switzerland, crossing the Bay of Biscay on Leg 7-2016

"The adventure that we had on the Bay Of Biscay made me long for more of that, and Leon showed me a glimpse of the cruising lifestyle that rather gives me an urgent desire to stop working and start cruising a.s.a.p.! Now I feel much closer to being able to do just that." Click here to read full story

Axel Lindroth, Sweden, crossing the Bay of Biscay on Leg 7-2016

"I had never sail over open water before and my expectation for the week was, when I look back, very different from what it turned out to be: I had thought it would become hard. And it was in some respects, but, at the same time, everything around the actual sailing made the trip so much easier!" Click here to read full story

Filip Nicklasson, Sweden/Norway, crossing the Bay of Biscay on Leg 7-2016

"Leon’s psychological skills to build self-confidence for us women is a gift and difficult to beat. Thanks to his fundamental experience as a sailor and teacher, he strengthens our belief in ourselves. Leon has his eyes everywhere at the same time. He lets us women sail his boat all by ourselves, but gives some very fine and polite important detailed suggestions here and there. It gives me an enormous sense of security that Leon always is at hands, if needed." Click here to read full story

Esther Manser, Switzerland, sailing on the all-women RYA Day Skipper Course Leg 4-2016 in The Solent

"I watched Leon how he sailed his boat and wish to apply this to the way run my business. I learnt that I could delegate more and that I don’t have to do everything on my own. Leon looks at the big picture: The trip would take us from Lymington in the UK to Lorient in France in one week. But how to get there, he involved everyone onboard to figure it out. " Click here to read full story

Juck Somsaman, Thailand, sailing the second year on Regina Laska Leg 6-2016 from Lymington, The Solent, to Lorient, Brittany via Guernsey, the Channel Islands

"People sailing with Leon on Regina Laska are not just any sailors who might be willing to pay to come sailing with him. No, no, no!!! One gets personally picked by Leon so that a great crew can be created that fits together nicely and gets along well together. My initial fears of sharing a confined cabin and living on a boat with 'strangers' for two long weeks, were thus unnecessary. " Click here to read full story

Heinz Galm, Switzerland, sailing on the Yachtmaster Prep Course Leg 2-2016 from Cuxhaven to Lymington, The Solent

"When I arrived on board Regina Laska, all fears were gone with the wind. The sailing week was a trip to another planet for me. I was able to experience a week in which I simply could be myself! I didn’t constantly have to consider what the others would think about my mistakes and my questions. And despite all the tough challenges, I had the feeling that I was on my best holidays ever. What Leon does is to convey the feeling of the ‘great breath of the ocean’. Leon, I can feel it!" Click here to read full story

Ursula Scattorin, Lichtenstein, sailing on the all-women RYA Day Skipper Course Leg 4-2016 in The Solent

"There was more instruction than I have ever had on sailing, yachting and navigation packed into a short week. We were four women supporting and pulling one another through the various tasks and experiences, with an abundance of good humour and lots of energy." Click here to read full story

Inger-Johanne Nedreaas Haukedal, Norway, HR37 owner, sailing on the all-women RYA Day Skipper course Yachtmaster Leg 4-2016 in The Solent

"To me, Leon’s condensed but holistic explanation of the weather & tidal principles was of great quality which gave me extra insights. Other enriching take away’s were the very practical MOB and navigational exercises and insight discussions we had around these!" Click here to read full story

Anita De Bruycker, Belgium, HR342 owner, sailing the Yachtmaster Prep Course, Leg 3-2016

"The training made us all aware of the RYA's high standards, even with years of experience and former courses. Leon pulled us all through, being extremely knowledgeable and serious about what it takes to have responsibility for a sailing yacht. I would say, Leon's ability to build atmosphere and his obvious interest in his crew's wellbeing is unique. " Click here to read full story

William Brochs-Haukedal, Norway, HR37 owner, sailing the Yachtmaster Prep Course, Leg 2-2016

"Looking back I certainly had two of the most exciting sailing weeks in my life. Sailing and learning together with people from all over the world on board a remarkably safe and comfortable boat is an outmost experience. Sailing on Board Regina Laska together with Leon may make you realising that dreams can become true and the horizon is just a line which invites you to sail beyond." Click here to read the full letter.

Rüdiger Engel, Germany, sailing on Leg 2-2016, Cuxhaven - The Solenet (RYA Yachtmaster)

"Today at lunch-time, I passed my Yachtmaster Offshore exam! We all passed, we all enjoyed the passages, and above all else, we’ve had great companionship! The key ingredients in all of this is enjoyment. Sailing with Leon is not typical, it’s exceptional." Click here to read the full letter.

Ross Moncrieff, Australia, sailing on Leg 2-2016, Cuxhaven - The Solenet (RYA Yachtmaster)

"I told my wife (Julie) that what Leon answers is going to be the path ahead as I trust your judgment. The details you provided and the rational for the decision make complete sense. Thank you again, and BTW, your videos on the LED lightening were really great and showed me another reason to have the boat upgraded right the first time."

Bernie Kelleher, Abu Dhabi, UAE

"I tasted blood, no doubt! The time onboard has totally changed my perception of life. I think I will never be able to go back! So be warned: Sailing with Leon may change your life! And I really liked the women only leg: no competition, just co-operation, and all goes so nicely hand-in-hand." Click here to read how Esther changed.

Esther Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing on the all-women sail training week Leg 15-2015 in the Stockholm archipelago

"Dear Leon, You should have seen my wife when she returned after her sail training week on Regina Laska! I think you have infected her with a sailing-virus ;-)" Click here to read a husband's voice after his wife returned home.

Michel Leuenberger, Switzerland, with his wife Esther sailing on the all-women Leg 15-2015

"What I encountered when I found Regina Laska was something beyond my wildest dreams! I was welcomed aboard by the warm and friendly Leon and the first impression of my floating home away from home was a little slice of perfection. " Click here to read Mia's feelings during Leg 15-2015.

Mia Wright, Norway, sailing on the all-women sail training week Leg 15-2015 in the Stockholm archipelago

"Like so many men, my partner Jürg had this 'cruising dream' in his head, but to me it was all an airy diffuse cloud. After the sail training week onboard Regina Laska, we now both share this great dream jointly, and I am determined to go!" Click here to read Kathi's feelings during Leg 15-2015.

Kathi Huwiler, Switzerland, sailing on the all-women sail training week Leg 15-2015 in the Stockholm archipelago

"Thanks for the awesome sailing experience on Regina Laska from Stavanger to Copenhagen via the islands of Sweden! Please sign me up for next year again. Just like this year, I'd prefer a long crossing and it must be cold, since I enjoyed both!"

Juck Somsaman, Thailand, sailing on Leg 11-2015, Stavanger - Copenhagen

"I thoroughly enjoyed our sailing, our crew was wonderful, Leon was absolutely amazing, and we had a lot of fun. My expectations to learn more under professional guidance were more than fulfilled. I found the arrival at night, steering through all those little islands with the aid of only buoys and lighthouses quite exiting." Click here to read the full letter.

Eva Eberhartinger, Austria, sailing on Leg 11-2015, Stavanger - Copenhagen

"What I especially liked was how custom oriented Leon presented various sailing options that we could choose between. Always keeping safety first, followed by comfort and an omnipresent pleasant ambience onboard." Click here to read Michel's description of Leg 11-2015.

Michel Leuenberger, Switzerland, sailing on Leg 11-2015, Stavanger - Copenhagen

"I have had no sailing experience at all and felt completely safe and enjoyed the sailing thoroughly. Leon’s vast experience, confidence and positive attitude resulted in a wonderful week. Beware, because this could be addictive. We are definitely sailing with Leon again!" Click here to read the full letter.

Daga Dragana Carapic, Sweden, sailing on Leg 6-2015, Dublin - Oban, with gales almost daily.

"Leon Schulz has a dream to sell. Thousands of coastal sailors nurse a deepset ambition that one they will cut loose and go cruising – for a year at least. Succeeding in this aim is not unusual. Some even write books about their sabbatical, but few, if any, produce work so calculated to inspire others as Leon."

Tom Cunliffe in Yachting World/Aug 2015

"Leon has helped med to overcome my own fear of night sailing and open ocean crossing by his strict principles of never putting his boat or its crew in any situation, which cannot be handled. Leon does not only teach sailing, but inspire you to an entire new lifestyle of sailing, I have not known before." Click here to read the full letter.

Ludvig Olsson, Sweden, Crossing the North Sea on Leg 9-2015 Lerwick (Shetland) - Stavanger (Norway)

"One of the reasons for me to join on Regina Laska was to get rid of my anxiety about heavy heeling. When reflecting back on the leg I joined, I now realise that I was not afraid for one single minute during the entire crossing! I felt so safe and, in addition, I was able to experience a great companionship." Click here to read the full letter.

Esther Manser, Switzerland, Crossing the North Sea on Leg 9-2015 Lerwick (Shetland) - Stavanger (Norway)

"On board Regina Laska, we were treated to a hand crafted voyage, tailored around our particular preferences, and augmented by Leon’s local knowledge, while all of the time, progressing from one port to the next onboard a very comfortable and expertly sailed yacht." Click here to read the full letter.

Cyndy and Ross, Australia, Leg 8-2015 Inverness (Scotland) – Lerwick (Shetland) via Orkney and Fair Isle

"With Leon, even very unfavourable weather was turned into a challenge how to best make use of it. Careful planning, always with safety and comfort in mind, made even rough passages enjoyable. " Click here to read the full letter.

Per Östgård, Sweden, sailing Leg 6-2015 Dublin – Oban

"It’s unbelievable how great our sabbatical sailing year has been! Most probably, it is only understandable by people who have had the chance to cast off themselves for a time! I think you are not aware of how many people are “out there” thanks to you, Leon! Many cruising families we met along the way consider “Sabbatical at Sea” their standard literature!"

Stefan, Nette, Lasse (10), Neele (8), Torge (6), S/Y Anne, Germany, sailing the Atlantic Circuit after having read "Sabbatical at Sea"

"Surprisingly, everything went so well and my anxiety about the heeling of the boat I had been so terrified of, gradually went away. Each time, Leon explained in beforehand exactly what was going to happen which gave me a huge feeling of security. " Click here to read the full letter.

Manuela Feldmann, Switzerland, sailing Leg 6-2015 Dublin – Oban

"It didn’t take long, until we learnt that if you have full control and trim the boat and sails correctly, Regina Laska did not mind the gales at all!" Click here to read the full letter.

Markus Feldmann, Switzerland, sailing Leg 6-2015 Dublin – Oban

"Hands-on navigation and routing with respect for the elements, other vessels and mariners. Regina Laska offers security and protection, a home in the harbour as well as at sea." Click here to read the full letter.

Kurt Cortier, Belgium, sailing Leg 5-2015 Lymington - Dublin

"I became close to myself and realized my own deep-down love to life and timelessness. I realized I had arrived: the next harbor is no more a destination, it becomes a direction. The sailing, the anchoring, the ports, the on-shore excursions… all became the being of the moment. Transportation during time has turned into fulfillment." Click here to read the full letter.

Jenny Gloge, Belgium, sailing Leg 5-2015 Lymington - Dublin

"Leon is a very good instructor. He is a good listener and has the skill to explain and does not give up until everyone has understood. His ability to adjust the training to each individual participant comes in handy. The Yachtmaster Prep Course was very intense, but especially it was great fun! Leon has outstanding communication skills and maybe this is also the most important quality of a skipper: to succeed in maintaining the great relationships between everyone onboard and to spread a very pleasant positive atmosphere. Leon can do both. I hope to sail with you soon again!"

Tobias Odenberger, Sweden, Yachtmaster Prep Course Leg 2-2015 Cuxhaven - Lymington

"Gorgeous beautiful cruising area, impressive sailing yacht with loads of comfort and style, interesting new perspectives re boatbuilding and loads of great sail training with an exceptional teacher, new amazing new friendships (Australian, Belgian, Austrian and Maltese!) - It couldn't have been better - A great 'plus' to Leon and his organizational skills and Training Courses." Click here to read the whole story in German.

Helmut Leimer, Austria, sailing for his very first time on Leg 14-2014 in Sweden

"I have finally experienced the difference between 'sailing' and 'cruising' and I definitely know what I like doing in the future. Thanks Leon, for showing me the difference! I had also expected Leon to be more salty and adventurous. But he turned out to be much more refined, whereby cruising turned out to be so much more than pure sailing skills: the travel, destinations, restaurants, relaxing and food, while learning about sailing at the same time." Click here to read the full letter.

Cyndy Moncrieff, Australia, Hanse 34 owner, sailing Leg 8-2014 in Scotland

"Together with his amazing yacht Regina Laska (with all possible safety equipment) Leon is both a born teacher and skipper with a lot of pedagogic know-how and many sailing yacht skills and immense experience. It´s fun to learn from his large knowledge of blue water sailing. I am sure I´ll be back very soon for a new sailing experience with Leon and Regina Laska."

Jörg Röver, Germany, joining for the 600 nm nonstop Leg 10-2014 over the North Sea

"I have limited sailing knowledge and experience, which made me a bit hesitant about this cruise. However, it turned out to be a fantastic week. Leon is a brilliant instructor and made me feel both competent and comfortable sailing as well as berthing the boat. We also practiced current and tidal calculations, which were completely new to me, but very interesting. Leon also turned out to be an accomplished chef, which is handy when anchoring in remote places. We loved being pampered with delicious food! Thank you for a wonderful week in Scotland, we will most certainly join you again!"

Inger-Johanne N. Haukedal, Norway, HR342 owner, sailing Leg 8-2014

"A big thank you for the time you took with our wives making them more comfortable with handling a larger boat; indeed making us more proficient as couples in manoeuvring any vessel with less stress and more confidence. I think it will change our way of sailing together when we return to our own vessels, very much for the better." Click here to read the full letter.

Ross Moncrieff, Australia, Hanse 34 owner, sailing Leg 8-2014 in Scotland

"Be careful! A cruise with Leon can be the beginning of huge change in your life!" Click here to read full story

Anna Kawa, Poland, Sailing Leg3-2014 from Shetland via Fair Isle and Orkney to mainland Scotland

"It was the year of our life! We have never been so happy and so satisfied before. Thanks a lot! Reading your book changed our life."

Uschi, Dietmar, Florian (13), Lukas (10) & Katharina (8), Austria, just returned from their sabbatical Atlantic cruising year after having read The Missing Centimetre

2014: "Since my previous courses with Leon in Malta, I already knew that Leon is the perfect skipper and Yachtmaster Instructor. What I did not know so far:
- Leon is also a great cook
- Scotland is a pleasant cruising ground
- Boats cruising in that area must have a sauna
- How much comfort a professionally refitted HR offers
I will come again!" 2015: "My third leg with Leon, which this time contained a challenging North Sea crossing on Regina Laska, impressively reconfirmed all my previous positive experience."

Michael Eberhartinger, Austria, taking Coastal Skipper Theory and Coastal Skipper Practical in Malta as well as sailing on Regina Laska Leg5-2014 in Scotland and Leg9-2015 Shetland-Bergen-Stavanger.

"I have sailed with several experienced skippers in order to gather knowledge and experience for myself, but Leon really stands out." Click here to read full story

William Brochs-Haukedal, Norway, HR342 owner, sailing Leg 2-2014

"He coached us through handling his 20-tonne boat in tight marina spaces, and we became more and more confident, even with winds and currents. He showed us the sensitive touch and observant eye needed for furling and unfurling the sails under power - the winches have enormous power, and you could well end up destroying instead of unfurling your sail. Thank you Leon for a tremendous experience! We are looking forward to sailing with you next year as well!" Click here to read full story

Jacques and Kathy Meinen, Switzerland, To become owner of a new Discovery55, Leg1-2014

"What I can say about Leon? Well, he is just a normal guy with a daydream. The first day was as always: How is he? Is he going to like me? Or is he even an old man who hates people? Then, after our first meeting, everything changed. He is an old man but he has the soul of a student.

The time I spent with Leon was not at all what I had expected it to be. Instead of dull and exhausting routine at sea I spent some 18 days during which I learnt plenty of useful things (navigation, reading tides and above all respect for the Captain). At the same time I could rest a lot and had real fun as well, because Leon made me feel at ease. And even though he is my father's age, I did not feel the age difference. It was the best time of my life!"

Alex, Poland, 18 years old, sailing from Scotland to Sweden

"We wish Leon success in his new endeavor. For us, sailing on Regina Laska, with such an experienced sailor and instructor, was a perfect way to improve our skills. Every day brought new challenges: fog, traffic, currents, provisioning. Our trip was quite an adventure, and one we count as a great episode in our lives." Click here to read full story

Patty Kingston, US, Sail Training Leg, Germany-France-England

"We had never been on a sailing boat before and did not quite know what to expect when we signed up to join Regina Laska without knowing anything about sailing. We loved every minute of the week! The positive attitude and great atmosphere onboard gave us a sense of security which kept us constantly in a good mood. This was definitely one of our best holidays ever! "

Anna and Peter Sliwa, Poland/Germany, Charter guest in Scotland

"I must say that our week in Scotland with Leon was truly one of the most inspiring journeys I’ve ever done by sea. Both regarding the views and how to become a better sailor. His way of sharing experience and safety thinking in a pedagogic way is something I value highly, not to forget how big a challenge the tidal waters can be and how important it is to get the calculations right before you set sails. I’d love to come back to Regina Sailing in the near future!"

Christoffer Iveslätt, Sweden, Charter guest on Regina Laska in Scotland

"This past week has been one of the best of my life! Cruising in good company and in beautiful locations with fantastic weather. On top of that, I was able to obtain answers to most of the issues that I had been questioning, especially reefing the main and launching/retrieving the gennaker. I feel that I am in a much better position to now take this particular boat cruising further afield."

Eric Laing, South Africa, Own boat tuition on his new Hallberg-Rassy 62

"Leon, you are excellent! Your explanations are clear from the start of each subject and the gradual increase in complexity is presented simply, logically, and is measured. Your use of metaphors is appropriate and helpful. You don't get annoyed, you are patient, and you have a nice sense of humor. I'll be happy to sail on your boat when it's ready."

Sylvie Fredrick, France, taking Coastal Skipper Theory and Coastal Skipper Practical

"Leon is definitely well qualified, has a vast experience and is very helpful. He is an excellent communicator and very good at making the subjects interesting enough for us to stay focused throughout each day."

Antonis Satariano, Malta, taking Coastal Skipper Theory and Coastal Skipper Practical

"This course was more than just about sailing and confirmed my desire for a complete lifestyle change. In fact , Leon's personal experiences and adventures, so interestingly conveyed through his book, have strengthened my resolve to keep on course for a complete change in the way I perceive life and living. Honestly, I liked Leon's teaching style very much!"

Mark La Corte, UK, taking Coastal Skipper Theory and Coastal Skipper Practical

"I just wanted to say thank you so much again for such a wonderful few weeks in Malta, the courses were absolutely great and completely invaluable, and also just a whole lot of fun."

Robyn Pieters, South Africa, taking Day Skipper Theory, Day Skipper Practical and Coastal Skipper Theory